Chapter 1 - Your New Neighbors

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Player's POV:
You have just finished helping Carmen Sandiego with defeating VILE in an attempted robbery for the St. Petersburg crown. You feel good about assisting Team Carmen in another caper, and you log off just as your mom calls you. "P/N! Come out of your room for a second! Come greet you new neighbors!"

"Alright, Mom," you say as you get up from you gaming chair and walk out of your room. You don't come out of your room too often, only to go to the bathroom and to get food. Then you go right back to your usual spot you sit in every day.

"Come on, let's go give the new neighbors a welcoming gift!", said Dad. You grumble as you make your way out your house, walking with your parents to your next door neighbors who had apparently just moved in. You keep your hands in your pockets as Mom holds the welcoming basket full of goods and Dad rings the doorbell.

Y/n's POV:
A few days ago you had just moved to Ontario, Canada for your parent's new job. When you first arrived in Canada, you stayed in a temporary apartment. But today, you are finally moving in into your new house. Your parents decided this neighborhood and home looked "different" and "had a warm feeling" to it so that's why you're here.

You don't think this neighborhood and house looks and "feels" all that different from neighborhoods where you used to live. But you don't mind where you settle, as long as you have a sweet, sweet home.

You are moving heavy boxes upstairs to your room. You don't remember packing this much stuff but you just shake it off and continue your work. You go and pick up another box, when suddenly, Mom calls you from downstairs.

"Y/n! Get your butt down here! We have delightful neighbors visiting!" You put down your box and yell, "I'm coming, Mom!" You forget you were wearing socks and you rush down the stairs.

You were running down the stairs too fast and you slip on a step and you fall down, face planting on the floor. "Ow!!!" You yelp. You look up from the floor and you see a man, a woman, and a kid, who appears to be trying to hold in his laugh.

You get up and you go to the door with your parents. "Sweetie, are you alright?" Mom asks you. "I'm fine," you answered. "This is y/n, my daughter," introduced Dad. You cross your arms as he continues. "They're about the same age as-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a neighbor from across the street's car got its window shield cracked and the top of the car dented because a branch from a tree above it fell down. The car beeped loudly and the neighbor who owned the car, an old man, went outside to check on it.

"Hope he has insurance," says your new young neighbor. "Ah," says the woman in front of you. "It must be because of the curse of my son's real name. Every time someone says his birth name, something happens, and you cannot say his name outside of our house. We can only say his name in our house and nowhere else."

You did not believe that to be true, because you've never heard of anyone to have a cursed name. "Here's my son's name," said the man next to the kid. He hands you a sticky note with the words, "P/N Bouchard". You think that's a cool but ordinary name, why is it cursed?

You hand the sticky note back to the man and p/n says, "You can call me Player though, that's what almost everyone calls me." He smiles and you just stare at him, with no readable emotion.

Your parents start talking about a ton of stuff that adults like to talk about, like their kid's height, exchanging contacts, and about work. You and Player just awkwardly stand there between each other's parents.

You notice Player glancing at a smart watch on his wrist, with some icons you've never seen before on it. You start to become suspicious of your new neighbor, which is weird to you because you're never suspicious of anyone in your life.

"Well, we'll be going now," waved Player's dad. "Okay, thanks for the welcoming gift!" Mom held the basket of goodies in delight as we all watched the neighbors walk away from our doorstep.

You go back inside the house and go straight to your room. You think about how you really need to finish unpacking your stuff before the week ends, and continue carrying boxes like the event of meeting your neighbors never happened in your life.

You overhear your parents talking about the neighbors downstairs. "(Player's Mom's name) and (Player's Dad's name) were wonderful! I have a feeling we're going to be best friends before we know it!" Mom enthusiastically talked to Dad. "And I have a feeling that kid and y/n are going to be great friends!... or even closer," Dad whispered talked in a loud voice.

You blush at those words, not sure why because you know you become flustered easily, but not that easily. You thought about Player while unpacking the boxes of items. You asked yourself questions, like is he really some sort of spy or something? Or is he an alien from a different planet? Is that why he has a cursed name? Wait, what am I thinking?

You block out those thoughts and just tell yourself, he's just a normal average kid you see every single day. Nothing unordinary about him. Just your casual, everyday middle/high schooler.

But why are you thinking about it so much?!

Hacked into my Feelings | Player Bouchard x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن