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Linda's P.O.V

I shut the door behind him and froze. Why have I invited him in my home? It's a mess. I haven't unpacked! "Its a nice place you've got, if you ever need any help you can knock on my door." He said looking at me with a smile. I blushed and said thanks.

Later that day:
After Daz and I had set up some of my furniture he left (although he gave me his number ;D ) Now I'm laying in bed, tossing and turning, the thought of Daz in my head keeping me awake. That messy black hair, the energetic laugh accompanied by that sexy smirk. I could get lost in those eyes all day...

Daz's P.O.V

I lay in bed thinking about Linda's luscious locks of long blonde hair. I cant believe Linda's real. I always talk to her when I'm talking to the dazzlers but she wasn't real until now. Them gorgeous green eyes I could dive into them and be lost all day...

Daz... it's me LindaWhere stories live. Discover now