Chapter 2 - Someone New

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Hey everyone! Thanks for the reads and reviews! Here is chapter two. Its a very slow progressing story so sorry if there is a hint of bordum in there. It will get better! Thanks for reading! :D


(Two years earlier)

      I cross my legs and bounce up and down lightly on my best friend, Jay's bed while she looks through her chest of drawers to try and find a outfit for the party we were going to tonight. She was very excited about it because her boyfriend, Ryan was going to be there. Meaning, I was on my own tonight. She throws her garments in random directions and they fall to the floor like snow flakes.

"Jay, he's seen you a thousand times. What makes this party any different?" I ask her, frowning.

She doesn't stop looking as she replies, "Tonight is our five week anniversary!" She says this like it was common knowledge.

"Oh, anniversary." I mock under my breath.

She turns and gives me a face. Her green eyes sparkle under her dark brown locks of shiny hair framing her face.

"Don't you judge me, Rose Marie!" She throws out a scolding finger to me.

I laugh and throw up my hands.

"I'm not judging. I must be jealous because I'm a lonely old coop." I joke.

She flicks her hair over a shoulder and turns back to her drawers while rolling her eyes. "That lad, what was his name? He wanted to go out with you. But you denied him quick. So I don't want to hear anything about you being lonely!"

I wasn't lonely, I just wished I had what she had. I wish I had the confidence and willpower to push past my fears and talk to someone...anyone.

I pull at the rips at the knee of my jeans, bored. As she rummages through her drawers a loud bang startles both of us. She spins around to me assuming I was the one who made that sound, I shrug and we both walk to the door. We hop down the stairs and look into her kitchen. Her dad sits at the kitchen table fixing the wall clock.

"Dad, what was that?" She asks him, holding onto the banner of the steps.

He pulls down his glasses to examine us.

"A family is moving in next to Roses home. The truck just pulled up." He explains.

Jay and I exchange a confused glance before she hops down the rest of the stairs and to the door.

"When did the Jensen's move out?" I ask her.

She shrugs and ushers me over to her. She opens the door and begins to walk to their house.

"Wait, where are you going?" I knew this was a somewhat stupid question, but it slipped out of my lips before I thought about it.

"I'm going to see the new people moving next to you!" She plainly replies tugging my hand so I stumble over the threshold of the door.

She has always been very outgoing, maybe even nosy. That's why she was my friend, because as I stated before...we're completely opposite.

The sun struck my eyes and I squint, shielding my pupils with my hand.

"Jay, I don't want to go..." I mumble as she continues to tug me onto the sidewalk.

She slides her fingers through her dark hair with her free hand and sighs. "Quit your complaining and walk."

We walk for about a second before we are in front of my house. Her house is to the right of mine, and now this new family is to my left. A large truck is parked in the driveway and men in blue long johns unpack the boxes inside. A women with long light brown hair exits from the garage and pulls a box from a black SUV next to the driveway. She was beautiful, small frame, delicate build. Jay tries to make it look like we weren't snooping by opening my mailbox and peering inside. The women sees us and flashes us a beautiful smile, she lifts a small hand and gives us a wave as well. I the wave back to her. She takes in the box and as I'm watching her, Jay nudges me and nods at the front door. I blink a few times and frown at her before she pushes my head to make me see what she was looking at. I look and find my eyes connecting to a boy, he was about my age maybe a little older, exiting the home. The first thing that caught my eye was his odd style. He wears a pair of bright red pants, that are rolled up slightly past his ankles. A white and blue striped shirt is tucked in to the pants and a pair of suspenders pull over his shoulders and clip onto the belt loops. He was small compared to the large box he helped one of the men pick up.

"He's cute!" She whispers in my ear.

My eyes shift to her as my eyebrows knit together and examine his face. Light, chocolate brown bangs sweep over his forehead and land right at his thick eyebrows. A pair of grey shades protect his eyes and rest on his sculpted nose. He was attractive from what I could see.

I was so focused on examining his looks that I didn't notice him looking at me and smiling. I shake my head and blush as he walks up to me and Jay.

"Ay." He smiles.

I lift my head slowly and Jay jumps in. "Hello! My name is Jay, this is Rose! We are your next door neighbors! Well, she is your next door neighbor, I'm next to her." She says this very quickly so it takes him a moment to progress.

Then he looks to me and gives me a smirk. "It's nice to meet you lovely ladies. I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

He pushes the box he's holding farther up his chest so his grasp on it won't weaken.

"Okay." Jay smiles widely.

His eyes shift to me, I meet his gaze and my eyes fall. "Are your lips sown shut, love?"

My shy gaze shoots up to him as I'm stricken by his brash words.

"Pardon me?" I frown.

"I just wanted to hear your pretty voice, no harsh feelings." His lips prick up slightly before he laughs a bit and goes back to work.

My frown doesn't leave my face as he walks away from me. "How rude." I mumble.

Jay giggles next to me and I shoot her a look.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was funny." She covers her mouth with a small hand.

"It was rude..." I grumble as I watch him laugh loudly at something one of the moving men said to him. "But he got you to talk to him didn't he?"

I grumble as I spin around and walk back to her house without another word.

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