Sidewalk Snow

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~Sidewalk Snow~

When its new

Everyone's excited

It's beautiful

It's amazing

That's all they talk about

It has a reputation to uphold

An expectation

To be something beautiful

To be something desired

Something of glory

It's taken advantage of

After a while

Only a few still notice it's beauty

And the rest of the world

Is just used to it

It's set the bar now

A whole new standard

That glimmer is to be expected

From every new fall

The rest is useless

It's glamour fades

As humans unknowingly

Kick dirt into it

Tarnishing it

Destroying it

It's dark now

Covered with distain

Filled with bountiful shame

Reminiscent of the beauty

It once obtained

Everyone wants it gone

They want it melted away

It's no longer pretty

No longer useful now

It's less than perfect

It's done

It's had it

It waits so acceptant

So patiently

For the deadly sun

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