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"Michael." Dalton acknowledged as the bigger male neared him then with strong arms engulfed him in a tight embrace. He smelled like sweat and dirt.

"Hello, my boy!" A hoarse voice boomed and Dalton laughed into the man's chest. "Where the hell have you been all these years, huh?" He pulled him forward and stared down at the boy. "You been eating boy? You're all skin and bones!" He turned him around, looking him over like he was a little ragdoll he had picked up by the roadside while driving his monster truck down the highway.

"I'm fine, big guy and I've been eating thank you very much!" They both laughed after that. 

"You visited your mother's graveside?" 

Dalton just shrugged and the man understood. 

"What's wrong, kiddo?" He pulled him towards the door which led into the main house, and Dalton walked side by side until they emerged into the spacious living room. "I've got beers, some unhealthy snacks, my wife is out of town visiting the parents and I can't cook for shit!" He shoved the laughing boy down into a nearby sofa and walked over to the refrigerator to retrieve whatever he could salvage from there. "We could order some Chinese or pizza if you would like."

"Thanks, Michael but I'll have water for now." 

"Your funeral boy not mine," the man picked up bottled water and tossed it toward him. "Catch!" He yelled and Dalton was quick to grab it before it came smacking him in the face. 

"Gee, Thanks for nearly breaking my face, you monster!" Dalton groaned and Michael laughed. 

"You saw my mother." That wasn't a question but Dalton nodded anyway. "How's the old lady doing?" 

"You know her, always tending to her flowers." 

"Did you notice she's started to smell like all 'em flowers now?"

Dalton nodded with a chuckle.

"She's the flower lady, she's always surrounded by them, so what do you expect?"

"I'm beginning to think her coffin would be made out of flowers, wouldn't you agree?"

"Anything less and she might just haunt us for life!" Dalton added and they had a good calming laugh to that.

"How about your adoptive parents? The man popped open a beer can, downing a few gulps before sitting beside Dalton. "They still responsible for you?" 

Dalton nodded and gulped down another mouth full of water.

"I never could understand why your grandparents gave you away once your mother took ill." 

"They always wanted to get rid of me somehow, my grandmother used to say that my mother took after her but she was ill-fated. Unlike her who ended up nicely, I never really understood what that meant." 

"Well, they're dead now, so no need to think about them. Any luck with reuniting with your families?" 

"No, I can't stop hating those people, I can't believe they could forget all about my mother like she never truly existed and there they all are living lives like it's all beds of fucking rainbows out there." The boy choked on a sob. 

"You know, you gotta learn to forgive at some point, they all you've got now. You fought so hard to find them, this is what your mother would have wanted, you know how she tried to find them even when she was sick she still tried. I admired that woman's strength and you inherited part of that, the relentless ever fighting spirit, you've got that, but you know what will make you happy, so you do that." 

"Thanks, Michael, you always have the right words to say to me." 

"Eh, we are family and you are like a baby brother to me." 


"Get in here!" Spreading out his wide arms yet again, Dalton ran into them. It feels warm and oh so fucking good. 

If only these arms belonged to DJ, or Louis, but most importantly Danny, then maybe life would have had more meaning and made a lot more sense, maybe he wouldn't be so lonely and maybe he would have truly been happy. 

"On to important business, what brings you here today?" Michael asked, and Dalton pulled out of the hug to reach into his pants pocket. 

"Here," he handed a gadget to Michael and the man knew what it was once he saw it. "I need it filtered and I want everyone who knows Vera Kingston and all of HillBay to hear her confessing to the murder of Jenny Jean."

"Whoa, little man, you changed your mind." Michael took the little gadget from him.

"It's what my mother would have wanted."

"What happens after this?"

"I'll figure something out."

"I'm proud of you but this is mean kiddo, it would wreck her and her father." Michael grinned. 

"She deserves it, after what she did to Danny, it's only fair."

"You know I only do these dirty deeds for you, Michelle would kill me if she found out about this." 

"Who's gonna tell her..." With raised teasing brows Dalton asked. "You?" 

"Oh, hell no!" Michael shook his head and both men laughed. "How long are you staying for?" He asked as he rose to his feet. 

Dalton smiled, he hadn't even told him he was staying at his house and the man already knew that. 

"Hey, don't look all flustered like I'm some psychic or something, it's your normal, like when do you ever come to my house that you don't claim a week or even more for yourself, you don't even ask." 

It's reminded him of when he picked up the habit of sleeping over at Dylon's house, he never called to inform them, he would just show up at their doorstep at odd hours it went on for many nights it became a tradition but then his parents began to stop him from doing that the older they got and eventually he stopped completely.

"What? I thought we are family eh, come on!" Dalton cried in fake hurt as he stood on his feet, with arms spread out in demonstration he asked. "Can I stay here for a while, please?" But Michael just groaned and ignored him as he began to mount the stairs. 

"You coming or what!" He called from the stairs and Dalton laughed before jogging after him.

"I knew you loved me." He said, placing both hands on Michael's shoulders as they both ascended the stairs.

In a few minutes, the whole town would hear for themselves as well as see who Vera truly is then he needed to visit a certain people.

To end this whole madness once and for all.

"Let's wreak mayhem." Dalton groaned and Michael snorted a laugh.

"Yeah, baby!"


I've got you, here's another chapter for the road.


See you next chapter.

Love, Alpha.

Souls Entwined (He Is The One. My One ✔) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat