Chapter 2: the discovery

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A/ N Hello all of my beautiful lovelies!!!'s been a hot minute since I've written anything, like seriously finding the motivation to write anything has been a fucking slog this year!!! Due to family issues, mental illness, and the death of a family member I just didn't have it in me to write a wholesome story about family. But now I'm back and feeling somewhat better, I will put this out there so you all won't get disappointed do not expect regular updates. Like it takes me awhile to get any motivation anymore to even brush my teeth let alone write. But when I do post something I want it to be special, so I hope you all enjoy!!!



"Fei! Feitan please baby wake up!" Phinks pleaded with his unconscious mate, he had watched in horror as he saw Feitan stop in the middle of a battle and vomit bile ,as there was nothing left in his stomach from throwing up so much earlier that morning, when he saw this he made it just in the nick of time to catch Feitan's shaking body.

"Please be okay, please don't be dead! Don't be dead!" He thought, he removed Feitan's cowl to feel his pulse to make sure he was in fact still alive as his breathing had become so shallow it was borderline non existent. He knew the risk of unmasking Feitan right there in front of Nobunaga and Machi, he knew the consequences they would face but in that moment he didn't care. He didn't care that they broke one of the rules of being a Spider, he didn't care that they would be judged by Chrollo and potentially face death for mating. He just wanted him to be safe...

Phinks put his fingers to his mates neck and felt a strong pulse beneath his fingers "Thank fuck your alive!" He held his mate close to his chest and started to sob, he couldn't live in a world where Feitan didn't exist. He couldn't live without seeing his omega smile at the corny jokes he would make, or how he would stand on the very tips of his toes in order to steal a kiss from him, or how his body was scattered in hundreds of little pale freckles that Phinks would spend hours trying to count every single one of them. It was the little things about Feitan that made Phinks's heart and soul bound to this man, it's why he wished they had lived different lives just so that people could see the beautiful heart of gold that he hid behind the mask, that they could get married and have a family, and be a normal couple.

But fate said otherwise, so when he heard the sound of a blade heading for them he knew what he had to do.

"Forgive me my love for what I'm about to do." He whispered in Feitan's ear before he bit down hard on his hand until he drew blood, he knew the only way they had any chance of escaping this was if he went feral and tore everyone in this room to shreds.

Nobunaga had seen the mating mark on Feitan's neck, he and all of the other Spiders knew that there was something going on between Phinks and Feitan for years but they didn't think it would go this far! Feitan was just a Beta after all like most of them, apparently not. How the hell was a prime omega that could be sold to some rich cunt of an Alpha for millions be just placed in their hands for a decade now and no one realized it until today.

If he went to the boss with this information it would open up new possibilities for the Phantom Troup, But there was no way in hell someone like Phinks would ever let that happen to his omega. He knew what he had to do, Chrollo was just going to kill him  for mating with someone from the Troup anyways so why not save him the trouble and do it himself. He noticed the blonde haired boy with the nen chains also saw what he was seeing and his hand started to twitch, Nobunaga drew his blade and made his move. Kurapika also darted in, but not to kill. But to protect a fellow male omega, even though he hated the Phantom Troup for what they did to his family that one look from Phinks was all he needed to convince him that this wouldn't be for nothing. Or at least he hoped,

Child of the Spiders (PhinksXFeitan ABOverse)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن