Chapter 2

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    Walking to lunch with a crowd shoving is the most annoying thing ever. News flash: we're all going to the same place.

"Why can't people just not shove and walk peacefully?" I yell, getting pushed into a wall.

"I know, right? I keep on getting pushed into things," Julia's voice is laced with annoyance.

  When we finally reach the busy lunch room, we walk over to a table next to the wall.


  While laughing and talking, I look down and see some limping feet.

I nudge Julia, "Hey, look. Come here," I get on my knees and look up.

"Hayven, what's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost." She laughs, copying my position, "What is that?"

"I don't know, but we need to find out!"

I get back up to my seat, "We'll be right back."

  She nods and I motion Julia to follow me. We crouch down and make our way over to the double doors. Where we see the same two feet turn towards us. We stand up and look at the persons face. Then I realize, that's not a person.

"Julia, do you know what that is?"

Julia rolls her eyes, "Well, you've seen all the zombie shows and movies! You know as much as I do!"

"We have to warn everyone before it gets in!"

  But I spoke too soon, because in a second there wasn't just one. There were so many, I couldn't even count!

  We run towards the front, not paying attention to teachers yelling at us to sit down. I get on a table, yelling, "Everyone, listen!"

 Still loud.

"I think I can help with that," Julia runs over to a table, grabbing a microphone.

 She yells, "Everyone shut up if you want to live!" The room instantly goes dead silent.

  She hands the microphone to me and I try to explain the whole thing in the little time we have. We're going to sound crazy.

"People in the back! See the double doors? You know what those are?"

  Julia runs over to a teacher and explains everything.

  They look at me like they've never seen one zombie on anything before.

"What are those? What is this, a flash mob? This is stupid!" A kid yells in the back.

"Those are walkers, a.k.a, zombies!" I put the microphone down and talk, so, I'm not drawing anymore of them.

"Stay quiet! Noise draws them! And I suggest, if you don't want to be eaten alive, you get as far away as you can."

 We get people to move back.



  All you can hear is moaning, screaming, and groans. Everyone is running, trying to find people and bumping into each other. I try to find Hayven and Julia, while dodging walkers. I finally bumped into them.

"Follow me," Hayven whispers, grabbing our hands and running into the hall.

  We run into a classroom. Hayven locks the door and runs over to the teacher's desk, grabbing a baseball bat and a guitar. Hayven gives the guitar to Julia and she takes the bat for herself. He's a strange teacher, but today is a good day to be.

"What do I protect myself with?" I asked, my hands suddenly becoming sweaty.




  I go to grab the door to unlock it, when Hayven grabs my arm, "Remember! Hit them in the head."

"If that even works in real life," I murmur.

  We run out, running up hallway stairs that leads to the top level.

"Maybe there's a way to the roof," I whisper as we walk down the halls, looking at each door.

  Then I stop at a door. It says in bold, black letters ELECTRIC ROOM.

"Hey, ya'll! I think this could lead to the roof!" I exclaim.

"Doubt it." Lindsay walks past me and looks through the window on the door, "There's a ladder back there!"

  Lindsay walks in front of us and opens the door. We walk in and let Lindsay climb up to the roof first. She opens the door. We slowly make our way up after her.

"We're safe."

"For now," Hayven mumbles.

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now