Mozart's Piano Sonata no. 2

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Neal took a detour from the restaurant and then returned to the office of Kent's company. There was a light on in the auditor's — Peter's — office. Neal grinned and walked through the door.

Jessica stood bent over an open file drawer, searching. She saw him.


"George. Hey. You surprised me." She smiled and pushed the drawer closed. Laughed, hoping he had not seen more than he should.

"Good. You don't like surprises?" Neal asked, looking at her, letting her know he had seen.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Working late. How about you?" He glanced at the file drawer. "What are you doing in the auditor's office?"

"You said the auditor was looking into us. I don't like anyone looking into my life, personally or professionally."

Nice try, Neal thought.

"It's a little hypocritical, considering your current position, don't you think?"

"You said you were working late. What is it you're working on, George?" she shot back.

"I needed to see R&D's field studies on the new product launch."

"Oh, those are on records on twelve."

"Twelve. Got it." But he made no indication to move. He remained to look at Jessica who he caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"So, uh, why didn't you call security? You could have reported me."

"I'm here after hours. I could be up to anything. Which means you could probably report me, too."

She relaxed and grabbed her handbag.

"Well... I won't tell if you won't." Then she left the office.

Peter sat on one of the sofas in his hotel suite. He had tried the jacuzzi and sat in an endlessly soft bathrobe and watched the photo of El. He wanted to share this with her. They could have enjoyed this alternate universe together and made it all the more real and fun.

"You're probably asleep right now. Oh, I know, it's too late for coffee, but this is Ethiopian Sidamo. And it's not decaf, and it's delicious. I know I'll be tossing all night, which would probably drive you crazy if you were here. Or I was there. Yep... This could have been my life." He looked around in the marvelous suite. "Any regrets?" He gave it a good thought. El loved him for who he was. And he liked the life they had together. "No. But it's not all that bad. The coffee's good, and we should think about silk sheets. I never saw myself as a robe guy, but I don't know. When in Rome..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Room service." Neal's voice.

"I love you," he told the photo and rose. "Coming!"

He opened the door to the young convict who made big eyes when he saw him and chuckled.

"Look at you. What? You're staying in character in case I'm one of Kent's minions?"

"All right, what do you have?"

Neal handed him an envelope.

"She took the bait."

"Jessica Breslin," Peter read from the contents. "She's been at the company for the last 14 months."

"When did Novice put in its bid for the defense contract?" the kid asked.

"Eighteen months ago."

"So it's possible she's spying for one of their competitors."

"She could lead us to whomever she's working for."

White Collar: An unofficial novel - part 8Where stories live. Discover now