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moonboy56 sirius
moonboy56 I need your help...

siriuslygay omg Rem... are you okay?

moonboy56 call me
moonboy56 please

siriuslygay yeah of course

"what do you need moony?"

"I needed to hear your voice..."

"I should have blocked you... I should have cut contact. But I trusted you would run back to my- very muscular- arms. Look who was right."

"God I hate you. How is Parkinson?"

"How'd you- you know?"

"Oh honey I have my own FBI agent friend."

"Damn okay. She is fine, we talk a lot, but you know I'm very, very gay."

"Yes, I know Siri. I'm aware you are very gay and like sucking cock"

"Only yo- wait never mind. You have a boyfriend"

"Yeah haha- oh hi Jason. Just talking to my mom, yes Jason I'm sure."

"Well we should hang up then... bye loser lover."

"of course, bye mom. Love you too bye."

-------- mention of abuse, also homophobia and depression... yeah.

Remus looked up from his phone and sighed, he loved that stupid man's voice and his stupid fucking boyfriend ruined it. He glanced over to Jason who now doesn't have a shirt on and is laying in his bed.
"hey babe. Where is your mom again?"

"She lives 30 minutes away. Why?" Jason gave him a skeptical look and went back to whatever he was doing. Completely ignoring the boy. "We are breaking up, and you can't manipulate me anymore."

"Good. Because I hate you! You fucking f@g!" Remus felt a cold hand on his cheek which soon started to burn, Remus started to let his anger get the best of him. This wasn't one of his good weeks, his anger would rise but his depression would get worse. Making everything just worse.
"You are fucking disgusting, you really thought I loved you? That's fucking dumb mate"

"Yeah okay, good. Because I didn't even like you either! Hell I didn't even love you. I just tried being happy, so thanks for fucking ruining that. I like dick, good for me! You seemed to like it too mate" Remus pushed Jason out of his room and slammed the door.

Fuck. I'm screwed.


I fucking hate myself for this chapter... but Jason's true colors are shown :)

Please don't kill me... who now who you are.

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