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Yuri's POV

It's finally Monday. I got up excitedly at the taught of going to school with yena. i changed my clothes and went downstairs. As i got downstairs i saw my dad eating breakfast. He saw me and opened his mouth to say "goodmorning sweetie". I ran to him and hugged him and said "good morning dad". I then sat down and ate my food. "woah slow down kiddo nobody is going to take your food away from you" he said while smirking at me. "i slowed down and kept eating. "so whats the rush today?" asked dad. I gulped my food down and said "Me and yena have to go to the auditorium to sign ourselves for next's week talent show". "why do you need to sign for the talent show didn't you sign already" said dad. "we did sign up for the talent show but this sign up is different it will determine if we're going 1st or last". My dad nodded and kept eating. 

I was done eating and i rushed upstairs to make sure i smell good and ran downstairs and grabbed my phone and backpack. My dad was working from home today so he was upstairs at his office. I quickly went to his office and said goodbye. It was currently 7:00 in the morning i rushed downstairs and went out. To my surprise yena was there already waiting. She was wearing our school uniform ,trench coat surrounding her body and a scarf to cover her neck and almost half of her face is buried inside. Yena saw and waved. I quickly ran to here and said "where's your bike??". "you want to ride a bike when its this cold yuri" said yena making smoke from her every breath. I sighed and agreed with her. We were walking when we saw yu-jin and wonyoung together in a cafe drinking hot cocoa. yena signaled to stay quiet and hide behind the tree. yena giggle and took her phone. "what are you doing" i asked and she started to take a video of them. She giggled again and said "i'm going to send this to the group chat later.". "she's going to kill you if she finds out you know" i said with  a worried look.  I then look at wonyoung and yu-jin who were laughing and touching each other. I then looked at yena who was just laughing while she took the video. How i wished that me and yena could be like. Just as i finished the taught and car suddenly pulled up in front of us. yena stop taking a video and quickly grabbed and signaled stay behind me. The car was a black BMW and its windows were tinted. The cars window suddenly opened and to our surprise it was tzuyu and nako. "yah get in its cold come one" nako said and me and yena went inside.

Yena and i went inside the car. nako was in the front with the driver. while i'm at the window sit and yena is at the center between me and tzuyu. It was quiet until yena broke the silence. "so Tzuyu you picked up nako?". tzuyu then cliged her arms around yena and nodded. that made my blood boil that i couldn't even look. "yah nako are you done with the background sound for our song" asked yena looking at nako. Nako then gave her a thumbs up while looking at her phone. Yena just kept talking through out the whole ride and we finally arrived at the school.

When we all got out of the car. I can feel the stares of everyone around us. yena just put her arms around me and said "don't mind them" Tzuyu then wrapped her arms around yena and glared at me from yena's back. I don't know why but i also glared at her back. Me and yena said our goodbyes to tzuyu who went the other way to her class while me and yena went to the auditorium. We arrived at the auditorium and signed ourselves in. We then went out to go back to our class. On our way to our classroom we saw wonyoung and yu-jin smiling at each other. Me and yena signaled each other to bother and make fun of them. We ran to them and BOOED them. "BOOO" We both shouted from behind them. They both shouted after the surprise. Yena smirked at them and said "so how was your little date you two?". I laughed when they both blushed and looked at the side.  "h-how did you know unnie" said wonyoung who is now blushing more. yena then looked for something in her phone she then showed it to wonyoung. Wonyoung and yu-jin blushed and ran away saying "DON"T POST IT ANYWHERE PLEEEEEEAAAAASEEE". me and yena laughed and ran to our class because the bell rang.

After classes we went to lunch. It was pretty normal today and school went by so fast. it was already time to leave when my dad called me saying that i need to come home early today. I told yena to come to my house later so we could practice and she said yes. I rushed out of school wearing my airpods and listening to music. My dad called again saying to buy some ingredients. So i went to the super market. i bought all the stuff that dad wanted me to buy and i rushed out of the store.

Yena's POV

i was currently at the gate waiting for the whole gang. Yuri already went home because of some business but i was still going to practice with her. I was playing with my phone when someone jumped on my back and made me tumble a little. "YEEEENNNAAAAA" said loud voice behind me. I turned and saw chaewon and the gang. "jeez chaewon you didn't have to jump on me like that". She chuckled and said "Lets go to the cafe". Me and the whole gang were on our way to the cafe that i recommended. "you guys have to taste there ice cream because its the best" i said over exaggerated. "do they have mint choco"asked chaewon. I frowned and said "minto choco sucks". Chaewon, wonyoung and nako then pinched me in the arm and i whined in pain. I rubbed my arm and turned around to frown at them. As i turned around i saw a familiar face waiting at the stop light. "O isn't that yuri" i said looking at her. the gang turned around and yelled her name but she didn't even budge when the gang called her. so i was walking to her when she started to walk across the street. I saw a small truck speeding at her direction. I opened my eyes widely and started running to her. I shouted her name when i was behind her. I pushed her and she fell forward. I then stood for I sec then looked to my left and the impact of the truck hit me. i flew and saw the clouds facing me. I tried moving but my body wouldn't budge. I heard many people calling my name. i wanted to talk but i was so weak that i blacked out.


sorry for the late update guys. My cousin and aunt visited so i had to cut off 2 days to spend time with them. anyways here's the update see you guys nest week.

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