Once I woke up, I could barely move. It felt like something was squeezing me around my neck, trying to suffocate me. I couldn't sit up, all I could do was turn my head to the side. I weakly raised my hand to my neck, a searing pain jolting through my hand as it made contact. I snatched my hand away, looking at the bright green stain that was on my palm. How did that... I thought. I plopped my hand back down, turning my head to look at the room. Everything was a mess. The table was pushed over on the floor, one of the chairs all the way at the end of my bed. Ringo was sitting on top of it. There were cola cans strewn everywhere, and the tiny little doll me was laying down next to the table. I pushed my head over to the wall, not wanting to look at it. I didn't know what happened, but all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. I couldn't though.
"God my neck is killing me..." I muttered, trying my best to sit up. Just like that, almost as if it summoned him, CT popped into my room, leaning against the door.
"W-What did I tell you a-about taking it easy," he crossed a pair of his arms, sipping at a glass of wine. The edges of the glass were jagged, as if it had been broken. I fell back down onto the bed and glared at him.
"What do you want." I didn't feel like dealing with him right now. He looked up at the security camera, ignoring me for a second. "I'm j-just saying, if you r-really don't like the p-pain you should just g-go back to sleep."
"Well thanks to you I can't DO that," I turned away from him. He went silent again. I growled under my breath.
"Why do you do that." My hand twitched.
"Do what?" I could tell he turned around to look at me.
"Why do you just go all quiet like that. It's weird."
I heard a shrugging sound, then silence again. I sighed in frustration, closing my eyes and trying to ignore the fact CT was staring at me.
"Is that all you came in to do or did you want to stab me with more shit too." I buried my face into the pillow. He giggled, plopping himself down on the end of my bed.
"T-The stabbing you w-with more shit t-thing will come l-later." He patted the bed a little, pausing for a moment again.
"I actually c-came in to get more cola. D-Didn't expect to s-see you up a-already." I turned my head back to him as he got up, picking up the table and putting another dozen cola's on it. I sat up a little.
"You're the one who gave me all those...?"
He turned around to look at me, leaning on the table.
"W-Well duh," he rolled his eye. "Who e-else would it be?"
I shrugged. "Dunno. Not you?"
He snickered, walking back over to the door.
"Well I m-mean, you ARE gonna s-stay here like... f-forever. Might as w-well make it as c-comfy as possible, right?"
Without waiting for a response, he walked out and closed the door behind him. I was left staring at it. Had he given me the little Ringo too? Just then, I remembered she was still laying on the floor. I leaned over the edge of the bed and scooped her up, pulling up my knees and holding her to my chest. If he had given her to me, where'd he get it in the first place? Every "conversation" I had with CT just left me with more questions swirling around my mind. I didn't even know how many of them had answers.
If I ever get out of here, I thought, I'm forcing him to tell me everything.
I nodded to myself. It wasn't much of a plan, but it was enough to tide me over for the next few days. I laid back down and shoved my face into the pillow again, squeezing Ringo closer.

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