Beau sighs. "We each have different goals for our plans," he acknowledges, "but our plans would work better if we worked together."

"And...what are your goals?"

"Do you really have to ask that, Danny?"

The sickly sweet voice makes Daniel's heart drop to his stomach. He looks away from Beau, ending his gaze on the woman leaning against the gate. When did she get here?

Jade gives a sweet smile, white teeth gleaming under the fluorescent light. She pushes herself off the gate and makes her way to the two.

The metal folding chair screeches as she pulls it to their table. Daniel could feel himself trembling under her gaze as she takes a seat. She crosses one leg over the other before straightening her posture and resting her arms on the table.

Fuck, she's here. She's not supposed to be here. Why is she here?

Leaving here without wanting to come back will be more difficult.

"Jade..." Daniel mumbles. He grips the package in his lap again in an attempt to stop his shaking.

"Hey, sweetie," Jade greets. "I figured I'd be here in person for your delivery. Aren't you glad to see me?"

"I..." he trails off, struggling to figure out what he should say.

"Oh look, I made him speechless!" Jade grins before clapping her hands together. "I missed you too, Danny." Her blue eyes gleam at the sight of the anxious boy before her. "Didn't you miss me?"

Yes and no.

He nods. He's worried he'll say the wrong thing if he speaks verbally.

"Poor Daniel's been a shaking mess since he got here," Beau muses, gaining both teenagers' attentions. "He's keeping a tight grip on that package too."

"I noticed," Jade sighs wistfully. "He was so inquisitive before I joined. What's wrong, Danny? Do I make you nervous?"

Daniel didn't like when she played these games. He never liked it when she said things to purposely scare him. He used to ignore his dislike for them because it gave him an excuse to hear her voice again.

He meets Jade's gaze head-on, making her raise an eyebrow. "What's in the package, Jade?"

"I'm surprised you haven't opened it for yourself." She extends her arms, palms facing up in demand. "Let me show you."

This was the last thing he owed Jade. After this, he didn't have to see her again. He was going to leave his fucked up desire with her in Arkham. He shouldn't be prolonging this as long as he has been. He should just give her the package and leave.

But he knows too much to just ignore their plans. From the sound of it, Noelle and Robin could get hurt.

So, like a fool, Daniel hesitated.

"Daniel," she says, no longer sounding sweet, "give me my package."

"What are your plans?" He asks instead. The glare she gives forces him to speak faster. "Please, I just want to make sure—"

"Give me my package, Daniel!" She yells, slapping her palms on the metal table. Daniel flinches but refuses to relent.

"Jade, please, I—"

Pain shoots through his head the moment it impacts the table. He can't help but cry out. He tries to lift his head only for a small hand to push it down. She allows him to turn his head to face her.

His frightened gaze meets her stern. "Daniel," she tsks, "you know I don't like it when you ask unnecessary questions. And you know I hate repeating myself."

Daniel lets out a grunt. "I'm...sorry."

Jade pouts before looking down at Daniel in pity. The hand holding his head down starts combing through his dirty blonde hair. "I'm sorry, Danny," she hums, "you know I hate hurting you like that."

Her petting continues for a few more moments. It would've been spent in silence if it weren't for the humming. Beau has shown no reaction to Jade's mood swings.

Despite not wanting to be touched by Jade, he couldn't help but revel in the few soft touches she's giving now.

That, and he was too scared to sit up without permission.

The petting slows to a stop, but her hand doesn't leave his hair. "I planned on explaining everything to you after I get my package."

Daniel looks up. "You were?"

"Of course," she practically coos. "You said you were on my side, right? I owe you that much, hon." She removes her hand from his hair before taking a seat. "I'll ask one more time: Daniel, pass me my package?"

Daniel looks down at his lap where the package lays. I could run away, he thinks to himself, maybe I can make it to the gate before they can.

Even he knew that was a dumb idea.

Jade was looking at him expectantly, and Daniel didn't want another bruise on his head. He didn't want to disappoint himself by handing over the package, but he didn't want to disappoint Jade either.

So he gives the package to her.

"Good boy," she praises, gently taking it from him. She uses her nail to cut through the tape. "Don't be scared, alright?"

She pulls the cardboard flaps open before peeking inside. Whatever's in there must be everything she needs because she's grinning.

She reaches in the small box before pulling out what looks to be another, smoother, box. She flips open the lid of that before letting out a wistful sigh.

"Thank you, Danny," she thanks. She looks into his eyes, looking so pleased with everything. She reveals the different lipsticks secured in the box.

At the sight of the lipsticks, Daniel's heart plummets. Memories of being her guinea pig came flooding back. He thought he'd locked them away for good.

"We can finally get out of here and achieve our goals," Beau speaks up, smirking at the teen's frightened expression.

"Y-Your goals...?" Daniel stutters out, switching his gaze between Jade and Beau.

"I'll get my sister back," Beau starts

"And I'll be reunited with my love!" Jade finishes happily. She looks down at her lipsticks again before glancing at the empty perfume bottle in the box. "Damian will finally be mine."


Something clicks in Daniel's mind.

howdy, loves. short chapter, my bad, but it pertains to the plot so that's nice?

also, I feel like I haven't acknowledged y'all in a hot second but THANK YOU FOR 90K READS? AND 4K VOTES?

ugh! It sucks that this is almost over, but thank you for sticking by this book for the year and a half journey it's been on so far.

until next time!

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