The Fiend and the Familiar

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Fenrir Greyback emerged from the shadows of a deadened, gnarled tree. The stench of blood and stale sweat swam about their heads nearly clouding their vision from the intensity. Draco and Potter backtracked, their eyes searching for other intruders. 

"Don't toy with me," Greyback hissed, "I know you aren't leaving. My little turtle dove there is too weak to travel."

Draco clenched his jaw, feeling the veins pulse beneath the skin in his neck.

"Take her," he breathed.


"Potter, take her. Now," he urged, "I will handle this."

Derisive laughter escaped Greyback's mouth as he began to draw closer.

"While looking for you, Malfoy, you brought the Golden Boy himself. Well done, Draco. This will work out well."

"He didn't bring me," Potter seethed, "I came for Hermione and her alone."

"Would you look at that," Greyback taunted, "It looks like you aren't her only sweetheart, Draco. You against the Golden Boy himself? You don't have much of a chance. Why would she choose you?"

Draco dared not to look at Potter. He knew this was a mere tactic to unnerve him, but, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"LEAVE NOW!" Potter spat. "You will be lucky to leave in one piece, for now."

Greyback chuckled darkly. Potter's comment seemed to go unnoticed as his gaze was focused solely on Draco. 

"You are permanently branded, Draco. You will never again have respect and will be shunted from society for the mark that burns your skin. They came after me and I was sent to rot in Azkaban. How long do you expect to live your perfect little life with her before they come after you too? You are a marked man. You will be next."

The immensity of the words hung in the air like a veil. As much as he didn't want to believe, there was a truth to his words he couldn't bear to face. 

"Unless," the forbidding hiss had returned, "you come with me. We can take this back together. The Dark Lord began what we must finish."

Hermione stirred again in his arms. Her warmth pressed into his chest bringing his senses back to what he cherished most.

"Take her," Draco murmured to Potter, "Now."

Without giving him a chance to respond, Draco rolled Hermione into Potter's arms.

Greyback snarled. "Planning to fight me, are you? Have it your way then.."

His blood-chilling roar shook the canopy of trees as Greyback lunged and his feet pounded the ground.

Draco braced as Greyback's shoulder collided with his chest and hurled him into the tree just behind them. Lights popped inside of his head as Greyback pinned him by the neck against the bark. He could feel the heat of his blood trickle down his skin as the claw-like hands slashed at every bit they could reach. 

Flashes of scarlet light illuminated Greyback's silhouette, darkening everything else surrounding them. Draco's vision was tunneling as he began to fade away. Just then, a shrieking howl deafened him as the grip around his neck loosened and he was dropped onto the chilled ground.

Draco wobbled to his feet to catch glimpses of Greyback tearing after Potter as he hurled hex after hex at him. Each seemed to deflect, if not momentarily, immobilizing him. Greyback tackled Potter just as he had done Draco but did not move to strangle him. He lunged and seized ahold of the wand that flew out of his hand.

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