chapter 5 the truth hurts

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As the car stop Infront of the CGP building towering over us "you Rember were the safehouse is" there was a pause "right?" Dave said now in his police disguise. I nod "it's time for a party"

"That my girl if batman come try not get K.O By him please"

I smile "where are the files? And Annabel!"

"She in the holding cells in the basement and same with the e evidence locker!" let go I think as I fly into the main enters "now Lady and this will go one of two way this build burning down or I'm getting what I want!" I bark as I lad heating up my body to stop any bullets that were going to come to me Thay always do! I walk to the doors and put my hand on them! It didn't take them long to melt. As I step through the door I hear "GCP! PUT YOUR HANDS UP" which I ignore and point my hand to the police that were blocking my way before a heat blast shoots out of them and the smell of burning flesh fill the room. I keep doing the same thing until I saw the holding cells were there were "Annabel?" I ask as a young girl small and delicate-featured. Pretty in a flawed, accessible way with her dye purple hair. She doesn't stop the party when she walks in, but you'd like to get to know her. She very lad-back and has a dry sense of humor and a good friend "what took you so long" Annabel ask as I melted her bars off the holding cell and helping her through stopping her from burning on the Newey melt bars "you know the normal getting to point a to b" I laughed as we walk to the doors before a baton hitting me in the back of the head "if you wanted my attention there better thing then burn a police station" a voice chirp "Wingnight!" I spoke throwing up my arm to make a fireball and turn to see a young man long black hair and blue eyes coved by a domino mask with a blue bird like thing on his suit and a big cocky grin hitting me again and I taste blood I stepped back, balancing my weight on my left foot, and threw my right fist out in a curved punch at his temple. he brought his right forearm up to counter the blow, formed a fist with his left, and threw it at my outstretched jaw. I was in trouble. "It Nightwing by the way"

"yer and I'm a flame" I said heating the air around Nightwing before grabbing his collar hearing the slight ripping of material "how about a bake bird" I said heating up my hands into fireballs seeing his cheeks starting to burn. He quickie headbutt me throwing me off balance and smell the now freshly burn skin. I let out a grunt of pain as I know that this won't work, I kick the fire extinguisher to get a big pop of smoke as I grab Annabel and fly to the exits! Hit as many as can on the way out.

After a few laps of the city before I go to the safehouse as I fall onto the couch and rubbing my now bruising jaw line "here some painkillers and ice" Annable said handing me two small tables and I a Ziplock bag fill of icy. Witch I took and put on my jaw "Nightwing, robin and batman there the one that land me in a cell"

"Annie please not now" I said whining "but then I can mock you" Annabel taunted. I roll my eyes and turn away to try and sleep  BAM! "Who wants some revenge" Dave sang Dancing towards me " following me and you can see a robin in a cage" he smiled evilly as holding out his hand "me, me" Annabel screeched taking Dave hand "coming?" Dave asks I sigh as I got up off the couch follow out of the safe house walking for about five minutes walking a dark damp, Wearhouse nice Dave and in the middle a small black hair boy in a I bright red costume with a yellow R on it and green boots and mask "he very hittable" Dave said walking towers robin "but first let see who be hide the mask" Dave said going to grab robin mask "No" I yelled that made Dave stop in his tracks "I want to do it alone! Dave! Annabel, you still owe me!" I snap Dave throws his hand up and start walking towers the door grabbing Annabel on the way. I wait Intili I hear the door close. I walk towers robin who was now wakening up! I run up and rip off the mask to see Damein "Damian?" I said untying him "Maxwell is that you" yes, I said putting my hand on his shoulder SMASH as the glass roof broke before I had a chance to react, I was thrown and pin to the wall my throat choking me I let out a groan of pain. As I look, I saw him the slim athletic man known as batman! and a mad batman  who was choking me it was get hard to breath. No I'm not going to prison as I grab the hand that was holding me, I grabbed the hand that was holding me up of the floor and heating my body up until he loosened to his grip on my throat using the weight to power my up a kick to his jaw, he drops me and when to fly up where I feel something rap around my ankle before pulling back to the ground the pain ripples across my chest, I have to get out of here now before I could get up a thud of a foot on my chest I let grunt of pain out "Where the police Commissioner!" batman voice sound like nothing that I hear of before. As he put more weight on my chest and my most like broke ribs now trobbing "you know that I burn you but that was no way to treat a man" that cocky voice it was nightwing as crouching next to me "even if I knew I wouldn't tell a coky barsted lik..... fuck!"  I yelled "you know a broken jaw take up to eight weeks to heal right" nightwing said calmy  "batman!" I hear Damian said "she wasn't the one that brought me here! She was the one who got me out of trouble" I saw nightwing and batman look at each other and  nood "any trouble at all and your in the next cell in arkham!"batman said firmly  taking if foot of my chest. I instantly hug my chest and rolled side to side for a few minutes before finally sitting up to see batman,nightwing and robin talking before Damian now with the mask on walk up to me i simply smile and said boy wonder! "So, you're going to Thow the life that you wanted to get away from! Six months Damain!"i screamed "you Fought tooth & nail to get your old life back! But you go become the boy fucking wonder!" I said grabbing Damain by the collar pulling him closer to me "max" Damain said fall flat on his back as I let go of his collar. I stand up my arm supporting my chest getting ready to fly away I can't fight! batman and nightwing were watching me I need something to distract them "You are outnumber Max" batman said firm walking toward me. shit what I am going to do. Then I look down to see a "grenade" I yell grabbing Damain jumping away from it! Boom

All I could hear was ringing and the room was fill with smoke I let go of Damain flying out of the Wearhouse! 

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