Maria was crying too, "I want to stay with you Mikey." She whimpered as she gasped in pain as one of her wounds hurt her.

"But I'm not going to make it." She said, smiling as sweat covered her body and head due to the pain and infection.

"I really want to stay. Brother, I really want to." She cried as Mikey remained silent.

"Big brothers." She whispered to Ran and Rindo behind her.

"It seems we'll never be able to go out and have fun again." She smiled sadly as she stares back at Mikey.

" You'll live you hear me? Manchiro Sano." Mikey grits out through his tears as Maria pats his head softly. The last thing Shinichiro had done for him before he ever saw him alive.

"I love you, Manjiro Sano. Stay strong ok? And live a good life." She whispered, kissing his cheek as her hands went limp, her eyes fluttered shut as she took her last breath.

She knows he won't stay strong.

She knows he won't have a good life.

She just said it to fool herself so she can leave and go to the afterlife easier.

Mikey breaks down as he knelt on the ground holding the still cooling body of his dead twin.

His tears stained the expensive suit wrapped around her naked body as he hugs his twin tightly to himself.

"I'm such a bad brother. I couldn't save you." He crying voice even made Ran and Rindo tear up.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you!" He yells.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." He whispered as he wiped his tears away.

Onlookers stared at the adult standing at the top of the building who was about to jump.

"Huh what's going on?"

"Oh shit that dude is going to jump!"

"Someone stop him!"

The noises made Sanzu look up as the pink hair male gasped out in utter shock.

"Mikey?!" Sanzu yells out.

Mikey begins to imagine his loved ones talking to him.

"How's the view from the top?" (Shinichiro)

"It feels good doesn't it?"(Emma)

"Take care of everyone ok?"(Baji)

"You got this Mikey! "(Draken)

"Everyone. Let's do this!" Mikey yells.

He jumps just as Sanzu yells crazily at him to stop from the ground.


A bloody hand grabs a falling Mikey by the arm as Mikey looks back up in shock to see Takemichi trying to hold him up.

"I will not, let you die!" Takemichi yells determined as blood leaked out of his mouth as some splattered over Mikey's face.

"Quick! Grab onto my hand." Takemichi yells at him hastily as Mikey stares at him blankly. (Takemichi is just holding onto his arm not his hand, I don't know if there's a difference ㅇㅇ)

"This is stupid... I tried to kill you. You know?" Mikey could feel the beloved dead people pulling on his body.

Come with us. They seemed to say.

Maria and Baji were pulling at his hand while Emma and Draken were pulling at his right feet while Shinichiro and Izana pulled at his left. Their dead faces were smiling at him as he looks back to the only person trying to save his life.

"Mikey...there's not much time. I'm losing consciousness soon." Takemichi gritted out, already seeing dark spots filling his vision.

"Let me go. I want it to all end now." Mikey talked back.

"Come on. You'll regret doing that."

"I'll go back to the past as many times as I can to save you."

"What are you saying? You can't return anymore right? That's why I didn't want to meet you like this. I didn't want this to happen. I just shot you." Mikey mutters, he looks back up into Takemichi's eyes.


"Please put me in peace."


Mikey looks back at him with wide eyes.

"Why are you always like this?! Always and always! You always put the burdens in yourself! Oi! Manjiro Sano!"

"Just say it once, just say "Please help me", DAMN IT!!!" Takemichi yells in frustration and anger as he smiles softly at Mikey.

"And I'll definitely help you. Manjiro!" He said with a smile as Mikey tears up.

"Please help me."

Their hands made contact.

"Takemichi." Mikey whispered as Takemichi was sent back to the past.


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