28. The Routine

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"Get up Akhilesh, it's noon now!!!" Sonal exclaimed

"I am sleepy 😴😴😴. I will wake up within next 15 minutes."

"You won't. You have already use that excuse with Radha ben last 2 times so now please get up." Sonal exclaimed with irritation in her voice.

It was not new to her that her husband has magically became lazy these days. He was without a worry about a single thing in the world had been laying around the house. Mr. and Mrs. Shah had been worried about the expenses of the house but Akhilesh was not.

Many times Mr. Shah thought to talk about the issue to his Son but he saw that Akhilesh was giving money for the expenses of the house as usual and he even was not worried at all.

"Sonal, please let me sleep for now. I promise I will wake up within next few minutes." Akhilesh pleaded in front of his wife.

"No. Get up now. It's 10:30 right now, I am giving you 10 minutes fresh up and come outside or I will pour a bucket full of cold water on you." Sonal giving an ultimatum to him exited the room.

Akhilesh was remembering that fearful cat who he witnessed in this particular room on first night of their marriage and now this angry cat who was ready to give him any punishment for his laziness. He chuckled and shook his head remembering those days.

He sighed and left his bed which all together had become his most favourite place in his house. He opened the bathroom door and washed his face. He heard a knock on the door and he moved out to find his Bapuji in his room.

"I thought you are never going to come in my room." Akhilesh commented to his father as he had never entered in his room after he got married.

"Your mother is worried and honestly I am too." Mr. Shah confessed to his son.

Akhilesh hold his father hand and made him sit on the bed. He too seated next to him and waited for him to say further but when he didn't spoke anything Akhilesh asked.

"Why are you worried Bapuji ?" Mr. Shah looked at his son and filled him in about their worries.
"How are we going to manage the expenses ?
This lock down have completed 5 months and my friends told me for next 2 months also it can be extended, what will happen I don't know."

"You don't need to worry Bapuji

"Why should I not worry Akhilesh ?
We have to pay rent of the shop, The EMI of loan and the expenses of the house and moreover the shop is closed for 5 months now. How are you managing the expenses up till now ?"

"First you don't need to worry about Rent and EMI, government had announced that we can pay later and I have talk to the bank and shyam bhai everything is settled. I had started that online thing on Flipkart you remember ?

Mr. Shah nodded his head.

I have some money saved from there around 50 thousand is there and there is also some of my saving in the bank. You please don't worry about the finance, it is my responsibility. I don't want you to take stress." Akhilesh explained with details and asked him not to worry.

"I can't stop myself from worrying. Your savings are being used and I don't have anything to give you. How many times I will fail as a father I don't know Beta but I am

"No Bapuji please don't say like that. You have done everything in your capacity. If not you I wouldn't be able to complete my education. You are my rock and don't say anything like that again."

"Mota Bhai, you are not getting your morning tea or breakfast." Radha announced from the hall and Mr. Shah laugh out loud at his Son's expression. If truth to be told the 3 ladies were angry about his sleeping habits and continuous food demands.

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