Chapter Two: No Matter What, I'll Protect You

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"Um... Chiyo?" Michi asked tentatively. She was pretty sure it was her. The height seemed right, considering the breasts pressing against her head, and the smell gathering around her certainly seemed familiar. But then, before even getting a verbal response, Michi felt arms wrap around her waist.

"W-What do you think you're doing in public?!" Michi shrieked. "So it would be okay if we were in a private place?" Chiyo asked quietly. Michi was baffled. She had no idea what was going on. "O-O-Of course it wouldn't be okay!" Michi managed to say. "Just get off!" "Can't." "Why not?!" Michi yelled. "I'm not done recharging. I need to store up Mi-chan energy so I can make it to Tuesday," Chiyo explained. "That's only two days from now! You'll be fine!" Michi shouted. "Nope. Since we won't see each other at school this week, two days feels like forever," Chiyo whispered.

Then, Michi thought she heard a sniff. "Are you smelling me?!" "Mhm," Chiyo said, not even trying to hide it. "D-Don't do that you creep!" Michi said, nearly going into a panic. It wasn't unusual to have physical contact with Chiyo, but the way she was doing it felt different than any other time. Adding in her apparent desire to also smell Michi, it left the girl at a complete loss for what to do. She had never experienced anything like this.

"You smell nice," Chiyo said. "T-Thanks, but that doesn't make you sniffing me in the first place any better," Michi said. "S-So could you stop already?" She was starting to get very embarrassed. By all accounts, here was a very attractive gyaru, who had her arms wrapped around another girl, in the street and was smelling her. If someone walked by and saw that, there'd really be no explanation that would make sense without also ruining the two girls' images.

Finally, Chiyo let go. "Alright, that should be good." "That was too weird, even for you..." Michi groaned. She could handle Chiyo's oddities to a certain extent now, but attacks like that were too much. "Don't do that ever again." "What, hug you?" Chiyo asked innocently. "SMELL ME YOU IDIOT!" Michi yelled loudly. "Well if you insist," Chiyo said, walking toward her. "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANNNNT!!!"

Having had her fill of teasing and cuddling Michi, Chiyo was on her way. She had left behind a very flustered Michi, which made her all the happier. "I really got to her today," she thought happily. Although, even she had to admit the smelling bit might have been going too far. "She was right. That was way too weird," Chiyo thought, deciding to listen to Michi and not do that again. "But she seriously did smell good. What was that? Coconut or something?" she wondered.

Chiyo tried to guess what the product was that Michi used on her hair, but there was no way for her to know if she was right, so she gave up quickly. Instead, she focused on having Michi at her house on Tuesday. It wasn't the first time Michi would be there, but to Chiyo, every time the girl came over felt like a special experience. "Ugh, it's only Sunday night and I'm already this excited," Chiyo thought. "How am I gonna make it two whole days?"


During the time until that Tuesday, Michi found herself struggling with something. Having agreed so easily to yet another one of Chiyo's requests, the issue of Michi and her own changes had been pushed ever more to the forefront of her mind. She could acknowledge that she had gone from hating Chiyo to being her friend, but even doing that much was difficult.

Being as stubborn as she was, even just admitting that much to herself had been a challenge, but trying to say Chiyo wasn't her friend had felt even more ridiculous, so she had accepted it. However, that appeared to open the door to many more problems for her. A fair amount of them could be staved off through sheer stubbornness, but there were a few that were more open ended.

For instance, how much had Michi changed because of Chiyo? She wanted to say none, but that seemed unlikely. If she hadn't changed at all, she never would've been able to consider Chiyo a friend, even with the gal's nonstop pestering. But beyond that, how much was different from before, and what exactly?

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