Main - Spiderman

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Request - No, Not really
Plot - Yes, actually
Name - Loki...?

Thanos thinks he killed Loki, and sent them body' to earth not knowing he has an alter ego on earth. When he was eleven thousand, four hundred, and fifty two years old (11,452) he got fed up of his 'fathers' neglect and went to earth. Loki didn't want Thor to come looking for him on earth and immediately know who he was, so he changed his looks.

He gave himself curly light brown hair, bright but light brown eyes, a nice body, and a new name. The name he chose was 𝕻𝓔𝕿𝓔𝕽 𝓟𝕬𝓡𝕶𝓔𝕽.

In order to keep up his persona, he needed a family. So he made a human. He made a human that could work and make money. Luckily, the adding of two new people wasn't an issue and no one noticed.

That's how 𝕸𝓐𝖄 𝓟𝕬𝓡𝕶𝓔𝕽 was born. She had long brown hair, long wavy hair. She had a dark brown eye, but Loki wanted something to match with his original form so he gave her a bright green eye that had a dark blue tint to it. Her eye looked like an emerald.

Unfortunately, while on the human realm, he hadn't expected to gain new powers. But, something was bound to go wrong while he escaped his 'father's wrath.

Well, why not he do something with the power. But first, he must find a passable reason other than wanting to start chaos by stopping chaos. Loki has to think hard about that one, till he remembered something his mother on Asgard told him,

"With great power, my dears, comes great responsibility."

He needed a more plausible reason though, because if Thor were to hear him say that he would have his suspicion, so he went with the uncle lie considering he never had a nice past with adult men and was technically an orphan so he made 𝕸𝓐𝖄 his aunt.

After five human years and a couple human months, Loki is sixteen thousand, eight hundred, and sixty two Asgard years old, but sixteen human years old (16,862 & 16). He had been using his alter ego more often, but still visited Thor until Thanos 'killed' him in front of Thor.

Loki still loved his brother, so when he heard Thor was staying at the Stark tower while spying on him he needed to find a way to get to the Stark tower. Deciding he could start by trying to get Iron man to notice him would be a good start, he decided to help the man.

When starting his plan, he made a friend he actually knew, and an ally with someone he didn't know but knew would be useful in the future. The first person was someone named Ollie Howarth, however, on earth they were known as Edward 'Ned' Leeds. He also made friends/an ally ship with a Michelle Jones who went by MJ. Ollie knew Loki was on earth and went to find him.

Because of his plan, he needed to get close to someone because their father was only the start of his plan. Getting closer to the girl, Loki silently cursed himself for being gender fluid and feeling like different genders on certain days. Finally, he found reason to meet the father. Luckily, he was feeling like a male today so he went in a males body.

Abandoning his 'date,' Loki ran out. Finding the father, also known as Adrian Toomes or Vulture, Loki quickly stopped him from stealing the weapons, but also from dying. Unfortunately, Toomes happen to have dropped a ware house on him. So. That happened.

After safely putting the weapons in their own case, he sent it to the avengers tower with the note,

Hello Avengers,
Um, hi. I don't have much to say but, inside are Mr.Starks weapons that were going to get stolen by Vulture but don't worry, Mr. Vulture is in prison. So, no need to worry about anything unless you aren't an avenger or Mr. Stark. BYE!
-The Widow

(Had to change the name because in this, Loki is gender fluid and I don't think I could make her 'spider man is she felt like a girl.)

Setting down the box, Loki quickly left the scene and waited for Mr. Stark to possibly recruit him. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long. The suit quickly found Loki when he was sitting upon a building because crime rates were low. The suit asked if he wanted to join, Loki agreed as long as he could still do his patrol and didn't have to give his identity until he was ready. With some hesitation, Mr. Stark agreed to his terms. Making it to the tower, Loki kept his alter ego up despite wanting nothing more than to stab Thor and tell him he's here and alive, but, he couldn't. Until.......

It was a field trip. Until her Widow sense, as she called it, acted up. She looked out the window and noticed a metal circle. Quickly getting Ollie (Ned) to cover for her, she jumped out the window and into the fight. Getting to space, Loki was fighting like normal, up until two things.

One, Thor. Thanos, was hurting, Thor. Thanos's minions, were hurting Thor. Not out of love like Loki... but with the intention to hurt and kill.

And two. The gauntlet and stones. They were Loki's. Always were, always have been. Loki made them when she was a thousand and forty-seven years old (1,047). She made them because she wanted control, and control she got.

Standing up, she looked at Mr. Stark. Mr. Stark was the one who had her stones at the moment, till she called them back.

"And I, am Iron Man."

He snapped, nothing happened. The Widow raised her hand, the stones glowing. She took off her mask. Opening her eyes, she looked directly into Thanos' eyes.

Thanos was scared. The only thing he feared most, was raw power. And that's what he saw when he looked into 'The Widows' eyes, he saw raw power.

Widow walked to him, lowering her hand. Everyone stopped, and looked at her. Still with her mask off, Loki transformed into her main form. Away from the alter ego, still looking like the woman she feels like.

"How did it make you feel?"

Loki asked. Thanos was in control for a little while. He had Loki's stones, the one thing that gave power.

".......Did what feel?...."

"The feeling of failure.. and the feeling of taking my stones..."

"...your stones...?.."

"My Stones,"

Loki snapped. Thanos and the enemies dusted. They no longer remain. Thor looked at Loki, tears slowly forming,


Loki turned around, looked at Thor's eyes, tilted his head and gave a small yet soft smile.

"Yes, brother?"

-1130 words-


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