Chaptet 6 A Fight

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We started our adventure again. This time Raindrop was walking normally again. But I still think something is wrong, it's not the first time I seen Raindrop like this. I guess Raindrop knew what I was thinking, because she asked,"Am ok, really." That's it something is still wrong, I known Raindrop for so long, so I know, by the way she talk, that something is still wrong. So I got really mad that she did not tell me, her best friend, what's wrong! So I replied,"No! Something is still wrong! Why won't you tell me what's wrong!" "There is nothing wrong!" Replied Raindrop. I got so mad that she is not tell me what's wrong I pulled out my sword and said,"Tell me what's wrong or else." That's when this flash of blue light shined. I couldn't see, but I heard footsteps running away from me. After the light had disappeared. Then is when I noticed that Raindrop had disappeared too. I put my sword back and went to look for her.

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