Jack Gilinsky Imagine

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Jack stop I'm trying to sleep . You gave him the puppy dog face.
But y/n I just wanna love you .. You turned your back on him since he would let you sleep.
Y/n fine. You won't get any kisses from me. I dont even like you.
Oh Finnegan, how I'd love to actually believe that. But I'm your queen. You love me endlessly. As soon as you said that you rolled over so you were face to face with him. You looked into his chocolate eyes wondering how or why he liked you.

Baby? Why do you like me.?

I don't like you. I love you. I knew you were a fan for a very long time.. I knew you'd support me no matter what I did. I'd stalk your account and see how you got mad at my for what I did. But I continued and saw how you still loved me and called me a "ding dong". But when we met I just fell in love and I wanted to keep seeing you. So I begged the guys to stay in (your city) alittle longer.. I heard it was your birthday so I took you and well.. i-- you stopped him in mid sentence and kissed him. In between you said You ding dong I love you so much!!

He kissed you back and then it got heated. You were already on the bed cuddling so you rolled over on top and straddled him. You were sitting up on his torso . He stopped you before things for intense.

Y/n are you ready? Like are you sure
With no one else my love.

He smirked and pulled you down. His hands going down tour side tickling you. He unclapsed your bra and you felt the cold breeze right across your back. He stared then looked at you and smiled.

God I love you so much.

You took off his pants and shirt without breaking the kiss. He flipped so you were on bottom. He took off your underwear. You guys were completely naked. He began kissing down your neck and went lower all the way down your waist.


He looked up and smiled.

That's not my name tonight baby girl. You'll be needing medical help after I'm done.


You were panting and sweating. You and jack were out of breathe still smiling trying to catch a breather. He looked at you and said

Round 2?
You're on.

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