"What the hell is she doing here"

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We finished getting ready and we were about to leave till I got this feeling in my stomach. It was my gut telling me not to go that something bad is going to happen. But I couldn't do that to my friends, so I told kie to give me a minute while I went to the restroom

I ran to the bathroom quick locking the door behind me so she didn't come in. It just kept getting worse and worse almost as if I was going to puke. "Come on y/n you got this it's just a party there's going to be plenty of people there I doubt you'll run into Rafe" I said trying to convince myself. That's when I heard a knock on the door it was kie.

"Come on y/n we're going to be late"

"Ok I'm coming just give me a minute" I replied back . After looking my self in the mirror telling myself that I got this and I can do it I finally unlocked the door and walked out trying to not make it seem like I wasn't nervous about tonight.

"Hey dad Can I borrow your truck tonight" I said give him the puppy dog eyes so he couldn't say no.

"Yeah that's fine just no drinking and driving you understand me y/n"

"Yes dad I know the rules and thank you"

We drove to the bone yard and found John B and Pope together handing out beers by the keg but no sign of JJ.

"Hey guys where's JJ" kie said looking around

"I haven't seen him since everyone started showing up" Pope said while handing us two red solo cups with beer inside.

"He's probably trying to find a girl to hook up with" John B said before taking another drink of his beer.

After a couple beers and a couple shot guns everyone started to get into the mood and started dancing and singing at the top of their longs. It felt great to be back home and there was still no sign of Rafe.

Kie went and grabbed Pope by the collar and pulled him in and they started to dance. They looked so cute together, the way Pope looked at kie you could tell he was in love.

I wanted to dance with someone but my dancing partner JJ was still no where to be seen. so I walked over to John B to ask him.

"John B what an honor it would be if you take my hand and dance with me" I said bowing like if he was a princess.

"God how much have you had to drink" he said laughing at me

"Are you going to dance with me or not" I replied back

"It would be my pleasure" he said in a girly tone.

He grabbed my hand spinning me in circles making me dizzy. He then picked me off the ground and threw me into the air. I was preparing myself to hit the floor cause there was no way he was going to catch me after how much he had to drink. As I began coming down I felt his hands wrap around me catching me.

"Holy shit I didn't think you were going to catch me" I said looking at him with a surprised look.

"Wow have a little more faith in me would you" he replied back still holding me.

As I look over his shoulder my heart sank to the bottom of my feet. It was Rafe standing right next to topper and kelce. "Hey you ok you look like you seen a ghost" John b says while putting me down.

"Yeah, umm I - I need another beer"

I started to head over to the keg to fill my cup up with more beer when me and Rafe made eye contact.

Did I just see y/n, that can't be possible she moved two months ago.

"Yo topper I think I just seen y/n" I said looking confused

"You mean as in the pouge y/n" topper said looking at y/n's direction.

"Yeah you see her to right" I said still confused on how she's here

"Yes we all can see her Rafe" topper and kelce said looking at me like I'm stupid

"What the hell is she doing here" I said with anger in my tone

"Dude why do you think there's a party, it's for y/n it's like a welcome back party or some shit" topper said

"So she's back for good" kelce added before taking another drink

This can't be true she fucken promised me she wasn't ever coming back to outer banks. Wait is this why she's been texting me trying to ask me something. I need to talk to her.

Omg why is he walking towards me. If any of my friends see him talking to me they'll be so mad I need to get out of here. I start to run to my dads truck when someone from behind grabbed my wrist.

"Where the hell do you think your going" Rafe said while squeezing my wrist hard to the point where it started to hurt.

"Rafe we can't talk here please just follow me"

"No right here is fine y/n you promised you weren't coming back"

"Rafe please can we go somewhere and talk and let go of my wrist your hurting me"

"That's not what you said back in the Bahamas" he said looking me up and down while biting his bottom lip.

Topper walks over to me and Rafe to see what's going on. When he looks down at my wrist and sees Rafe grabbing holding them tightly.

"Why the fuck do you have a death grip on her wrist bro" topper said while looking me up and down

He then let's go of my wrist. He was grabbing my wrist so tight it left marks. I started to rub my wrist when a familiar voice comes up behind me and starts yelling.

"Did you just put your hands on y/n" JJ said loudly making everyone look at our direction

"Listen pouge we don't want no problems alright it was just a misunderstanding" topper said as he's trying to pull back Rafe.

I look over at JJ giving him the look to just drop it and leave it alone but he didn't instead he got right up in toppers face and said.

"No I don't think it's a misunderstanding topper no I think your boy over here was trying to get at y/n"

Everyone pulled out there phones and started to record because they knew something was about to go down. I tried pulling JJ away but he was to strong.

"I'm guessing your precious y/n didn't tell you what happened in the Bahamas huh, let me just say she isn't as innocent as you guys think " Rafe said with a smirk on his face

My face went blank I can't believe he just said that. In front of everyone. Does he know what he just did or was he to coked out of his mine to think clearly. I look over at JJ and see the anger being built up he was ready to kill Rafe Cameron.

"Do you even love me" RAFE CAMERON AND READERWhere stories live. Discover now