13. An Unexpected Ally

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"Just do your thing Britta. Tell them whatever. Tell them it was a drunken kiss.  Or keep quiet and let Mollie's team handle it. I really couldn't care less," he said, before hanging up. 

He knew Mollie would be spitting mad when she saw the photo.  He decided to have a quick peek.  Wow, he could see why Britta had been in a flap.  He and Mollie looked like they were about to rip each other's clothes off.   On the spur of the moment he decided to screenshot the photo.    He grinned. Mollie could deny it all she wanted but that photo proved she still wanted him.  This wasn't over.  They weren't over.  He was going to win her back if it took all season.  By Abu Dhabi she would be his again.


"Anything you want to tell me Mols?"  Sophia asked as  Mollie met her in the lobby. Mollie looked at her, confused. 

"Like what?" 

"Like whose bed you stayed in last night."

"My own."

"Oh, so he stayed with you then?"

"What are you on about? I slept alone."

"Ah ok.  I think you'd better look on Instagram honey."

Mollie loaded the app. The first thing she saw was a photo of her and Seb kissing the previous night.

"Oh for fuck's sake," she cursed. "That's all I need."

"So you didn't spend the night with him?"

"No!  He kissed me.  He took me by surprise.  I briefly kissed him back.  Then I left him there.  It was a mistake."

"You've created a media shitstorm."

"Arghhh, let them talk.  I don't give a fuck."

Sophia grinned as Mollie headed outside with her case. She knew Mollie did give a fuck, no matter what she said.  Her and Seb just needed a little nudge towards each other.  She needed a plan, and a co-conspirator or two. 

She'd have a think on the flight to Miami and see what she could come up with. 


Seb was straight on the phone when he landed in Miami. He needed to know what hotel Mollie was staying in. He was delighted to find out, from one of Sophia's mechanics that he knew, that it was the same hotel as he was in. He just had to try and 'accidentally' bump into her.

On media day he headed down to the lobby early and hung around for a while. However, it was Sophia he ended up bumping into, not Mollie.

"Just the man I was hoping to see," she said. Seb looked at her, confused. Why did she want to see him? "Seb, I'm going to be blunt here. Mollie, what are your intentions?"

"Sophia, I love her. I never stopped loving her. The past 18 months have been hell. I want her back. I was actually hoping to bump into her this morning."

"Seb, I know why she left you. I know what you said. You were an idiot, but I know you two belong together. Trouble is she won't admit it. You need to talk. I mean properly talk. No snogging like in Montreal, well not until after you talk."

"But how if she won't see me?"

"We don't give her a choice."

"I'm listening. What do you have in mind?"

"Ok, so it will have to wait until after the races as don't want either of you distracted from that. How about I arrange a girly night with her? She comes to mine. You hide in the bathroom until she's in, then I leave."

"She'll just walk out."

"Yeah, I expect you're right. What we need is to get you two in a place where she can't escape easily."

"Next you'll be suggesting I kidnap her," Seb joked.

Sophia's face lit up. "That's exactly what you should do!"

"No. Absolutely not. If she decides to call the police on me I'm screwed."

"She wouldn't."

"Sophia, that's a fucking crazy idea."

"Ok, do you have a better one?"

Seb sighed and shook his head. "I don't have a clue."

"I'll think on it. You still have the same number? Good. I'll text you."

"Thanks Sophia."

"Hang in there. I know you can win her back."

He smiled and headed over towards Antti who had just come out of the elevator. Time to head to the circuit. He just hoped that Sophia could come up with a plan because he didn't have a clue. How was he going to win Mollie back? How could he prove his love to her?

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