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Danielle unconsciously bit on the cap of her pen as she spun around in her chair, which was clearly distracting her co-worker/best friend.

"Savre!" The brunette called out, effectively making her friend from spinning any further. In response to her name being called, Danielle looked at her and raised her eyebrows.

Barrett pointed at the chair, "Stop spinning. I get that you are nervous and so am I, which is why I was trying to go through this stupid presentation that we have to give today one more time. But you are distracting me, so quit it!" the blonde could tell Barrett was getting annoyed by her actions, but that only made her laugh.

"Does the chair distract you or do I?" a sly smile made its way on to her face to which the brunette let out a sarcastic laugh, "Dani, you can keep trying but you are definitely not my type."

Danielle feigned to be offended, dramatically gasping, "Wow.. you don't need to be so honest, B."  The younger woman chuckled and gave her friend a quick side hug, "Sorry, I love you but not really." this causing the blonde to push her away with a frown on her face.

The two had gone back to focusing on their presentation's topic, before Danielle heard her name being called out by Barrett again. "What now? I'm perfectly still." she sassed, as she quickly glanced at the brunette before looking back at her laptop's screen.

"I'm gonna ignore that attitude of yours for now, but...what would you do if your ex comes back?" Barrett asked, her gaze fixed on her laptop's screen causing her to miss the look on her best friend's face once she had asked that out loud.

Danielle cleared her throat of the sudden lump she felt after hearing the question, certainly not expecting to be reminded of her ex. "Umm, then she comes back? No big deal." She adjusted herself in the chair, going back to typing some more pointers for the presentation.

"What do you mean 'No big deal'? Are you over her?" Doss continued, oblivious to how these simple questions were making the blue eyed girl's mind swirl of thoughts she desperately wanted to forget.

Danielle's mind was racing, she should've been sure with her answer by now, but the memories of her still haunted her, even after all these years.
"Yes...yes, I have. Why are you suddenly asking me these questions? Did Brett contact you again or something?"
She was trying to avoid any further questions about her ex simply by asking questions back. And she knew she was correct when she saw the brunette freeze.

"Yeah..." Barrett sighed and started to note down something on her laptop. Danielle waited for her to continue, but was only met with the faint sound of the keyboard's keys.

" 'Yeah'? that's all you gonna say for that? Barrett, I swear to god if you don't tell me what—"

"I'll tell you, I promise. Just not right now. Let's get over with this presentation first and we can talk about it after work, at my place?" The older woman nodded, turning her attention back to her work. Soon, the two were being called in to conference room to start the setup.

"I heard that someone important is going to join us this meeting." Barrett whispered to her best friend as she was connecting the projector's wire to the screen. The blonde let out a shaky breath, "Well if I wasn't nervous enough before, I sure as hell am now!"

The brunette stood next to her and casually swung her arm around Danielle's shoulder, "You need to chill, we are going to do amazing. After all, we are the dynamic duo, batman and robin, ham and cheese, tutti and frutti—"

"Okay, okay stop! Got it, we make a good team." The blonde laughed as she freed herself from her best friend's arm, and smoothed her skirt down upon seeing people join them in the room. Their boss, Caterina had just entered and ushered the two to follow her. They followed her outside, shutting the door behind them.

"Okay, I need you two twerps to listen to me carefully. The CEO of the company that co-owns with our company, ITROZA, she will be coming in today for the presentation—"

"Wait wait...all this time we were in a co-partnership with another company?!" The blonde asked, her face clearly showing that she was surprised to say the least. Cat and Barrett exchanged looks, the boss mentally face palming herself.

"You've been working in this company for about 6 years, how in the world did you not know this?!" the Canadian questioned. "Yeah!? I mean, I haven't met the CEO of ITROZA either, but I was aware we were in a co-partnership with them." Barrett added.

"Great, just GREAT! Another thing I need to worry about now! ugh" Danielle placed her palm on her forehead, nervously looking around. This presentation was really important for her and her career. It was a proposal that Barrett and her had thought of that could potentially boost their reputation and lead to a promotion. 

"Hey D, listen. There is a reason I thought this proposal was worth a shot, okay? I trust that you two can handle this well. Also a heads up, it is said that she can be very meticulous with these stuff. Personally, I found your ideas intriguing. Now, you just have to impress her. All the best." Caterina concluded, looking at her two associates who now had drops of sweat forming on their foreheads.

"Gee Cat, you really know how to give a pep talk!" Danielle commented sarcastically, Barrette nodding in agreement. Caterina only laughed it out, "Oh trust me, I know. She should be here any minute now, is the setup ready?"

The brunette nodded, "Yeah, it is. We just need to connect the laptop to the projector." 

"Well...what are you waiting for then? Go connect!" The two scurried back into the room, making their way to the front. The blonde started on connecting the laptop to the projector, her back facing the rest of the room. She heard the room's door open and close, assuming it was the CEO as she continued setting it up. That is until she heard Barrett whisper yell,

"Oh. My. God."

Danielle glanced at the woman besides her, still unaware of the new person that had walked in, "What?"

Barrett cleared her throat, eyes still widened as she looked at the familiar person in front of her " know how I asked you earlier what you would do if your ex comes back?" The blonde sighed, "Barrett we are not talking about her right now, please."

"Oh no we won't be talking about her, but to her now." Danielle looked at her best friend, perplexed. She followed her gaze and almost immediately felt the blood drain from her face.

"Stefania is the CEO?"


A/N: Follow me on insta @venus.savre for story updates🤍

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