7 0 0

Dream froze. Julia fell asleep onto his shoulder.


He was already in an awkward position and had to move but he knew he couldn't wake her. His panic grew as he started twiddling with his hoodie strings. He supposed he was tired and tried to fall asleep, but Julia was too comforting to fall asleep. Her warmth brought joy to Dream, even though he couldn't move.

He just fell asleep.


"Dream.. Dream!" Julia rustled him awake. She was whispering but it seemed very, VERY loud. "Dude, we're about to land. Get the fuck up!"

Dream's eyes creaked open and the lights flashed his eyes. Julia decided he was too groggy to buckle his seat belt and did it for him. That woke him up.

"Jules, stop, I got it."

"No, it's fine I'm almost done." She slapped his hands away. "There." Dream was blushing.

"I hate landing." Jules whispered. She was extra fidgety in her seat, obviously nervous.

"Its okay, I got you." Dream grabbed her hand.

Julia froze and looked down at their hands together. She quietly glanced away and held her redness in. She sat back in her seat and closed her eyes as they went down.


"Where the fuck is Jimmy?"

"Call him, Phin." Julia suggested fiddling with her phone. "Aren't we supposed to meet the England kids too?" Dream's phone rang.

Julia looked up at the two. "Let's get somewhere quieter. By the bathrooms." She lead them by the restrooms with their gallons of luggage.

"Geroge?" Dream asked into his phone. His finger covered his open ear so he could focus on the call. "We're by gate B's bathrooms. Yeah, we can meet you at the parking lot's entrance. Bye." He hung up and Phineas and Julia looked at each other. This was really happening.

"C'mon. We have to meet them."

They rushed around the airport, avoiding major crowds as they tried to not meet fans. The loud noises bothered Julia, but she rushed through them until she noticed Tommy the giant.

"There they are!" Julia pointed in that direction with two fingers until the two boys noticed. The boys ran ahead but Julia trailed behind. Anxiety fiddled with Julia. She didn't know them. She barely knew Dream. She was only here because of Phineas. Nobody would like her. Nobody even knew who she was. Just a small creator. That's all.


Julia snapped her neck up to see an averaged size Irish woman running towards her. "MINX!"

"Darling, its amazing to finally see you!" Minx expressed as she yanked Julia into a bear hug. The two females have been talking for the past week and became close friends.

Julia pulled back from the hug. "I'm so nervous to met everybody."

"Its okay, dear." Minx held Julia's chin in her hand. "They'll love you. Very excited to meet you." She clutched onto Julia's hand and led her over to the group.

"BRO WHY ARE YOU SO TALL?" Tommy exclaimed as he ran over to Julia. "DUDE YOU'RE ALMOST AS TALL AS DREAM!" He broke into wheezing.

"Shove off, Tom. FUCK I'M BRITISH-"

"Ah, Jules! So happy to meet you." Niki greeted. Wilbur decided to bring her along just for fun. As she hugged Niki, she noticed how many people she would have to greet.

Oh boy.


"Thanks for picking us up, Jimmy."

"Anytime bro."

Julia climbed into the passenger seat of Jimmy's car, lucky enough to get a front seat. She watched as everybody else settled into the back seat of the car, happy to be there.

Since the large amount of people, Jimmy brought another car with him so everybody could fit in the travel to Jimmy's to film. In her car, there was Drista, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Dream, Phineas. It was a little uncomfortable being with only one girl, 7 years younger at most, but Phineas and Dream helped comfort her.

"You guys take so long to load a car with tour luggage. Thank God I brought a bag for the top of the car." Jimmy exclaimed as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Can we strap Drista to the top of the car then?"

"Fuck off, Tommy!" Drista slammed Tommy. He screeched in pain

"BOTH OF YOU STOP!" Dream snapped at them. "We're going to Jimmy's to film a video, which we're lucky for. So shut it."

"Fuck you." Drista whispered.

ngl this chapter was pretty hard to write. I haven't watched mcyt recently so I based them off what I saw in other stories. Do you guys want to see Mr. Beast's video with them?

Was it all a Dream? ~~ Dreamwastakenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن