Chapter 1

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The plane ride was a long 8 hours as K.C read a couple books off her iPad.

The intercom suddenly turned on: "Hello passengers. We are almost reaching our destination in Knysna, South Africa. The weather is currently sunny with a high of 87 degrees. Please turn off all devices as we land. Thank You."

K.C shut down her iPad as she looked out the window. South Africa was beautiful! She was right by the beach and the weather was perfect!

Around 10 mins later the plane landed and the everyone collected their things from the cabinets. K.C stretched as she walked off the plane toward the luggage claiming area. As she waited for her package, she checked her phone.

She saw that there was 3 voicemails and 10 text messages all from her friends who sent her their final goodbyes. One message in particular caught her interest. It was from Brianna.

[ Hey K.C! How was your flight? So I told Finn that your heading to South Africa and he told me that he has a friend that lives there his name is Caspar Lee! Say hi for him ok?]

K.C laughed as she responded:

[okay haha I will if I see him, and my flight was great! I'll call you later! :) ]

After she sent the message, the blonde girl saw her British Flag suitcase and headed her way to call a taxi.

"Taxi!" She called out as 4 taxi cabs passed right by her. K.C sighed in defeat as plopped herself on a bench.


A loud voice called. K.C turned as she saw a tall spiky blonde haired boy calling for a cab. He wore a tight fitted shirt along with dark jeans and some converse.

The cab continued to slowly drive by as the boy ran in front of the car and stopped it by force.

"What the Hell?!?" The cab driver yelled. " Crazy bastard!"

"Thanks, my friend over there needs a ride." The boy smirked.

"M-Me?" K.C pointed to herself.

"Of course!" The blonde boy laughed. "Go ahead, I'll get another one!"

"Thank you!" K.C yelled as she got into the cab waving to the cute boy as the cab drove away.

"So where are yah heading?" The cab driver asked.

"Oh umm Knysna State University." K.C responded.

The driver nodded. "That's some college your getting into. Not that many people can get into that university that's for sure."

"Thanks" K.C laughed.

"Well here we are. Check it out." The driver pointed.

K.C looked out the window as she gasped. The view was amazing, the college looked like something out of a castle. " It's amazing!" She smiled.

The driver dropped her off by the front office as K.C payed him and waved goodbye. K.C stood in front of the large building as she began to walk in.

Inside was even more impressive as the ceiling had huge glass chandeliers and a nicely wood carved fireplace in the lobby.

"Can I help you ma'am?" The receptionist asked.

"Oh yah. My name is K.C Carlene Dininey and I'm enrolling here."

"Hmm let's see.." The lady said as she checked her computer. " Oh Yes! I see your one of the scholars here! Well Done! Your dorm is in Building 4 across from the Lion Fountain we have, you simply can't miss it!"

The lady handed K.C a map she walked off to help the next person.

"Let's see here.." K.C read as she looked around the campus for the fountain. After around 20 minutes she finally found it along with the building that contained her new home. K.C walked up the stone steps as she opens the nicely crafted double doors. As she walked in K.C could see that the dormitory had a lobby almost like the Administration Building she previously came from. There weren't students in the the lobby, probably cause it'a still summer vacation. K.C looked at the golden key that she received along with the campus map and in black printed letters it said ROOM 109.

As she walked closer to the fireplace she noticed that there were to signs that were labeled in cursive. One the left it said Girls and on the right Boys.

"This is a Co- Ed Dorm?" K.C wondered. " That's weird."

"Hello there!" came a familiar voice.

K.C turned around to see a face that she never really suspected to see again.


A/N: So I am aware that this story is pretty inaccurate with the location. For that I apologize and mean no offense to the people or the place in term. This is just a story so please bear with me on this. Thanks

Cause this is South Africa [A Caspar Lee Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now