" yes , I've made up my mind a long time ago "

" everyone , thank you ! " Minako proudly said

" I did tell Ryoji that this was mine and my sister's choice , but that was because I didn't want him to try and converse with you about your choices " Minato turned to his upperclassmen and Ken " is anyone having second thoughts ? "

" not me , I can't wait for Nyx to show itself on the ring ! " Akihiko smirked

" tsk , you're just wasting your time " Shinjiro shrugged " you know what we all think already "

" after coming this far , we will not stop until we see it through to the end " Mitsuru said sternly

" we're with you , Minato ! " Ken exclaimed

" Minato-san , Minako-san " Aigis said earnestly " whatever happens in the next month , I will always be by your side and protect you , I promise! "

" thanks , everyone " Minato looked at his team proudly , as their hearts had united for one choice and one purpose " then let's tell him our decision "

" yes , let's do it ! "


The twins entered their room , and in the center of the room they saw Ryoji sitting on the ground . It was as if they were seeing Pharos there all over again . Ryoji had been with them all this time , but this was probably the last time they ever meet him . Ryoji looked at them , as if they were so distant , even though they were close . Each of the twins sat on their beds , their eyes fixated on Ryoji .

" welcome home , Gumball ! " Minako endearingly and cheerfully said " it's been a long time since you've been here , hasn't it ? "

" Gumball ... hehe ... yeah ... I always loved that name " Ryoji smiled bitterly " back then , I had no memory of what I was or what my purpose was . Had I known , I would've told you to spare the twelve shadows ... I wish I... " he shook his head , before saying " that doesn't matter , little time stands between us and the Dark Hour , and when the Dark Hour happens , I'll dissolve into something unrecognizable, so let's finish this now "

" you're right , it's about time we start talking about the situation at hand " Minato looked at his sister and affirmed " am I right , sis ? "

" yes , bro bro ! So where do we begin ? "

" don't tell me you decided that you wouldn't kill me ! " Ryoji anxiously interrupted , then as he looked at the twins and saw the resolve in their eyes , he said firmly " this might've been the choice everyone had made , but in the end the decision is all yours , just the two of you . Since you're the only ones here , I'll ask you again ... kill me , let your memories be erased ... if you chose to spare me , you'll live every single moment in the fear of the upcoming doom . Nyx cannot be defeated ! She is powerful beyond anything you've ever seen , and only when you see her would you realize what that really means , but then it'll be too late ! "

" Ryoji ... "

" if you kill me , Tartarus , the Dark Hour , what you know about Nyx ... everything about it will disappear , including your memories . You will live your lives as normal high school students starting tomorrow "

" but Ryoji ... " Minako gently stopped him " you're missing something important here , you know . Our memories of the Dark Hour would disappear , had it ever crossed your mind that we don't actually want that ? They might have been traumatizing and difficult , but they brought us all together , and helped us see the world in a whole new light ... " she stopped to add " no pun intended ... "

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