My childhood memories were made here but right now it looked how should I put it without sounding um rude uh.......... Oh yeah wrecked the place looked abandoned like no one lived in it, hell I can't even begin to wrap my mind on how I used to live in it but I saw the lights on so I knew people still lived in it.

But how?, I sent them money every month that should be enough to do both feeding, clothing and some other stuff because me and Ariana jobs pay ridiculously huge amount of money and my parents are not too fond of buying new clothes because they think its a waste of money.

So why did my parents house A. K. A. My childhood home look like it could collapse at any minute now, was the money not enough?, it certainly had to be by my calculations in fact it was more than enough, so why this. My head hurt from so much thinking.

"Wow!, this place looks like shit " Ariana said and I agreed.

"Yeah it really does" I answered.

"It feels like a tornado hit this building " I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Really? "

"Hey I thought you were agreeing with me on this"

"I was, but really? "

"Hey with all due respect this place looks beat up, like really beat up, like really really beat....... " I cut her off.

"Okay I get your point "

We walked up to the front door, Ariana tried pressing the door bell but it made a really depressing sound that I'm not sure even existed. What the fuck happened.

After few seconds a woman that I'm assuming gave me life and used to take care of me, came out.


But she looked nothing like the woman I knew, the woman standing before me, clothes were tattered and looked like if you pulled hard on it, it could rip and exposed her body not like there was much to expose anyways.

She had lost a lot of weight it looked like she could faint any minute and the only thing that was keeping her standing was the broken door she desperately cling on, her hair that used to be perfect now looked like a bird's nest with her curls sticking out in different directions, despite having a roof over her head she still looked homeless person.

The woman I knew, my mother was well composed and she never let her curls tangle Never. This one looked like she hasn't combed her hair in ages.

And her shoes, let's not even go there for a fashion designer my mother clothes hurt my eyes and my mother's appearance alone looked horrid, her eyes were red and puffy like she hadn't slept in a week.

What the hell is going on.........

"Mom" I called out, I had how my voice broke just by calling her.

"What the fuck are you doing here"

Jace POV

Waiting sucks..........

I felt my phone vibrate, I checked the contents of the message. Looks like we got a new plan.

I looked over to Justin who was presently playing games on my phone "Justin we got a new plan"

"Huh, What? " he didn't look at me, hell he wasn't even paying attention.

"I said we got a new plan"

He finally raised his head while his gaze met mine, he then took a deep breath "what is it now"

"What got stuck up your ass"

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