"Did you order the dumpling soup?" She asked. He trilled the pipa before opening his eyes and looking at her with a crazy smile.

"I am a god."

"...okaaaaayy, but did you order the-"

"And I have chosen you! For you are pure of heart."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Oh. Well, I try to be friendly." She chuckled nervously. "Now, will you be paying with cash or-"

The "god" strummed rapidly and then suddenly held out a jade teapot. "Take this! It contains everything you need."

(Y/n) smiled nervously. "Um, actually, I need $7.35-"

"You dare reject the will of the gods?!" He yelled making her jump. She looked him up and down before swallowing.

"Kind of...yeah...? You know what? This one's on me, okay? I really got to run, so, um. Thanks for the teapot and have a nice day!" (Y/n) said as she switched the teapot for the meal and slowly backed away, closing the door behind her.

"Oh, wait. Hot sauce! Huh?" She opened the door with the sauce packet and became confused when she didn't see the man. The packet was suddenly grabbed out of her hand making her jump.

"Thanks. It's just not the same without hot sauce... Don't you have somewhere to be?" The man asked.

(Y/n) had a confused look on her face as she brought out her phone.

"Five o'clock? How have I been here for an hour? I gotta go!" (Y/n) hopped on her vespa and rode back to her work building. She parked the vespa and ran across the street to a clothing store. She looked at a dress that was perfect for her. A worker came up so she tried to give him the money she had, but the worker pushed her out of the store.

"Kid, be realistic." He said before he shut the door.

(Y/n) hummed before she ran a block to another store called "NOMONEY". She went inside, paid for a cheep dress, and left with a thanks. After that, she ran home.

"Hi, Mr. Chen!" She waved.

"Your mom's looking for you." He said as he closed his shop.

"I know! I know, I know." (Y/n) grabbed a watering pail and watered some flowers on her way up the first flight of stairs. As she went up the second flight, she helped some guy with a checkers game. As she got to the top, she saw the height marks her and Din made when they were little. She put her packaged dress back in her bag before zipping it up and going to her part of the building.

"Hey, mom! Here's the groceries you wanted." (Y/n) said as she handed her mom the grocery bag.

"Oh, look who's here! You're late. Again." (M/n) gave (Y/n) a glare and the daughter nervously chuckled.

"Sorry. I stayed late for a study group, as usual." (Y/n) tried to get past, but (M/n) held out a hand, stopping her.

"Wait. Eat." She handed her daughter a dumpling bowl. "Food for your brain." She smiled.

"Thanks! I'll just, uh, take this inside and have it with a side of calculus." (Y/n) said as she tried to escape her neighbors. They kept coming and talking to her about how bright her future was.

Eventually Wei came over and revealed that (Y/n) hadn't been to school in two weeks, even though she was still passing classes. (M/n) took the homework from Wei, rolled it up and started smacking (Y/n) with it.

"I knew it! You've been skipping school and lying to your mother! What have you been doing?! Lounging in some Internet cafe?" (Y/n) opened the door to their home and walked in, her mom right behind.

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