Chapter 17: Danny Vs Technus

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"Tucker, Sam!" I said, catching up with them halfway. "I got the Fenton Thermos. You know, he's really gotta start carrying this in some sort of lunch box...But it looks like everything is gravitating here to Dash's house."

"Looks like whatever fun Danny's having will be coming to an end soon." Sam said. The three of us flinched when we heard Danny and heard something crash.

I looked up and dropped the thermos unexpectedly. Sam and Tucker looked at me but I felt like I was watching this unfold in slow-motion. My hands covered my mouth as I watched Danny in his ghost form being tossed backwards against a brick wall. We all cringed again.

"Hi (Y/n)," Danny greeted in pain. "Sam, Tuck. Glad you could three could make it..."

He fell to the ground helplessly and I wanted to rush over to him, but I remembered I was still angry with him. We turned around to see what ghost he was fighting, and widened our eyes. Tucker grabbed the thermos from the ground, and we saw a huge robotic monster.

"I am Technus!" He shouted to the heavens. "Master of Technology and destroyer of worlds! Behold, my awesome, electronic, fury!"

We were all standing in shock from the size of Technus. This was on a whole new level to each of us. Danny grunted, trying to get back up. He flew overhead us and knocked Technus back, only to get tossed backwards from the clang.

Danny rushed back up and fell back down again. He continued hitting Technus several more times, but no avail. Technus raised his hand over Danny and slapped him down to the ground. I wanted to reach down to help him up, but Sam pulled me back a little bit and shook her head. Her eyes read, not yet.

"Guys?" Danny pleaded, looking right up at us. "Help!" He rushed upward to Technus again and we automatically turned our backs from him. Our arms were folded over our chests in anger. "Come on, guys?" Technus slapped him down again and he yelped in pain. "(Y/n), come on, please, help me get to Sam and Tucker! Seriously!" He tried to fight Technus some more and tried to dodge his attacks. "I'm sorry I chose hanging out with the popular kids over you guys and especially you (Y/n). I've been too busy to notice how cocky I am with fighting and you were only trying to help instead of yelling at me. It was stupid and shallow and I'll never do it again!"

We heard him grunt in pain as he got knocked down with a giant fist over his head. I watched as he fell straight down and landed in front of me. Sam, Tucker, and I finally smiled at the apology that was given.

I hauled Danny up to his feet and said, "How can we be of assistance?"

"He's running an old version of Portals XL." Danny explained quickly to us.

Sam scoffed, "That piece of vapor ware? It's the worst software ever!"

"Keep him busy!" Tucker said. "I think I know how you can beat him.

"That I can do!" Danny shouted. For a while, all we did was just watch Danny fight from down below. Technus then shoved Danny against the brick wall with a claw, and he grunted. "Tucker...Anytime!"

"I'm trying, I'm trying!" Tucker said, frantically. He had his PDA out and I was even looming over him to see what the hold up was.

"What's wrong, Tuck?" I asked.

"I'm trying to bypass the program, but I can't!" he said to me. "He must've upgraded."

"What do we do?"

"We need the latest version of Portals XL, but where are we going to get it at this time of the night?"

We looked up and saw Danny being slammed against the wall several times. Sam held up her phone and smiled at the two of us. "Leave it to me." She said.

As Danny hit the wall, he grabbed at the claw. "Guys?" He looked down at us. In a few minutes, a blond woman on a moped rolled up to us.

"Here you go, Sam!" She said cheerfully and handed her a disc.

"Thanks, Tracey." She said and handed her the cash.

"Wow!" Tucker said, walking up to her. "You have access to the latest technology and after hours?!"

"Yep!" She replied.

"What else can you do after hours?" he asked, with a mischievous grin. I slapped him to get back into focus.

"Tucker!" I said. "We have to help Danny."

She wasn't too happy about it anyways and held up a clipboard. "Just sign the voucher, please."

"Oh, give me that." I muttered, and signed it for him.

"Uh, excuse me, I'm Sam and this is (Y/n)." She said and pulled me over. "I don't believe we caught your name?"

She looked at me and nodded in acknowledgement. "Perhaps you should scream it really loud and shout out your motive." I continued to cover.

"Hello." Technus greeted us. He threw his hands up in the air and shouted, "I am Technus! Manipulator of machines. Lord of all gadgetry. Wizard of integrated circuitry."

"Go on..." I said, and grabbed a really long cord. "Anything else you'd like to tell us?" I connected the plugs and we watched him go haywire.

"I'm master of all...!?"

"What's happening?" Danny asked, struggling to break free of the claw.

"Portals XL is happening." Tucker announced. "Everybody knows that every new version of Portals XL has a gigantic hole in its security system."

"What?!" Technus was shocked. Literally. "No!"

"Yes!" Danny smiled big, as he was finally free from the grasp. He flew towards Technus and grabbed the claw. "Process this!" He ended up inserting the claw into the disc drive, and everything started to explode.

"Wait, that doesn't go there!"

We saw the huge Error sign on Technus' face and then he shut down. "And for our final trick...!" I said, grabbing the thermos from the ground. "Catch!" I threw it over to Danny and he captured Technus inside. He was screaming in defeat as he got sucked inside. Danny shut the thermos closed and the body Technus was in collapsed. "Nice going, Tucker."

"Don't thank me, thank lousy software." He held up the disc and smiled from ear to ear. I looked over to my right to see Danny standing next to me and I smiled at him.


Monday arrived and we were walking through Casper High's hallways together. "So, what's the damage from this weekend?" Tucker asked. "Did you get in trouble for taking your folks' stuff?"

"Not really." Danny said. "(Y/n) helped me haul it all back to the shed yesterday while both our parents were out. My dad's checking every piece for government surveillance devices."

"Sounds like you got it off pretty easily." Sam said.

"Well, I do have to return those stupid sweats so I could refund everybody's money." He frowned and we stopped walking to face him. "And I still feel terrible about the way I treated all of you. Of all people, I should know how it feels to be invisible."

My back hit against a section of lockers and I asked, "So, would you say you've learned a lesson from all of this?"

Danny looked over and we saw Dash open up his locker. A bunch of stuffed toys came flooding out of his locker and he was blushing from total embarrassment. Dash started screaming, "Fenton!"

"Yep, another person's trash... is another person's revenge..." Danny said and the four of us laughed.

Danny Phantom x Female readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن