Chapter 1

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Ziggy's POV

"Shit, Shit, Shit.." I mutter as I sprint through the woods. Sheila and her little fucking minions are after me again. I only took like, 10 bucks. Whatever, she's fucking insane. I quickly glance behind me to see if they're still chasing me when I something slams into my face, knocking me off my feet and sending my on my back. I cough and touch my palm nose to see blood while my vision begins to focus again.

Sheila and her stupid friends stand over me. "You're gonna hang, witch."

Will Goode drags me by tied wrists towards the infamous Hanging Tree chanting with Sheila and her goons while I kick and shove. "Let me go you asshole!" I yell. He ignores me and continues forward, following after Sheila like a lost puppy.

We finally arrive at the stupid tree and Will shoves me to the ground while Sheila and her friends snicker. I grunt as I hit the dirt. "String her up." Sheila says and Will tosses the end of the rope tying my wrists over a branch, tying it to the trunk of the tree and yanking me upwards. "No, stop it, stop! Stop it, stop! No, let me down you shits! Let me down!" I scream at them, pulling at the rope around my wrists.

Sheila walks forward and reaches into my pocket, pulling out the measly 10 bucks I stole from her cabin. "Well, Well. What do we have here?" Sheila says, circling around me. "Goddamn thief!" Will says, glaring at me. "No, no. She's no thief. She's possessed. By the witch. It's the only way to explain her psycho behavior." She says, still circling me. "Fuck you!" I shout, and slam my elbow into her nose as she cries out in pain.

"Guess we're even now." I say, a smirk plastered to my face.

"You do know what they did to Sarah Fier, right? They hanged her. From this very tree." She says, again circling me. Jesus, what is with this bitch and going around in circles? And apparently I'm the crazy one. I start zoning out during her little monologue, and see a figure in the trees. Weird. Maybe I am going crazy.

"But she would've died forever if they did what you always do to witches." She stares me dead in the face. "You burn them." What? What in the actual fuck is going on right now...

"Give me your lighter!" She shouts at will. "What?" he says, confused. I look at them nervously. "GIVE IT TO ME!" She yells louder. He quickly obliges, holding out his lighter. "Now hold her legs." She says, turning to her other goons.

"Seriously Sheila?" One of them asks, seemingly worried about what she was doing. "DO IT!" She yells, obviously tired of people questioning her crazy ass idea. Shit, I knew she was crazy but not this crazy, right?

One of her friends and Will walk over to me, grabbing my legs. "No, no, no, no- Stop it stop! Stop, no, STOP!" I shout groaning and twisting away from their grasp, desperately trying to escape. "Shut up you witch." She tells me, pure rage in her eyes. "Sheila, you made your point!" Her other friend says, nervously. "Don't.." I say. "Sheila it was only 10 bucks." Will says from the ground, still grasping my leg. "Don't!" I shout again as she gets closer to me.

She flicks open the lighter, only to be shoved away by someone. Who the fuck...

"Hey! Let her go you jackass!" Shouts the random girl.

"Well, well. F*ggot decide to come and play too? Fine I can deal with you, just like I can deal with your witch girlfriend." she says to the girl. Sheila raises her fists and punches the girl, causing her head to whip to the side. Sheila smirks, happy she caused this.

The girl starts laughing. Kind of maniacally really. "Why are you laughing bitch?" Sheila says, annoyed and weirded out.

"I'm laughing because you thought you could get away with that." She quickly snaps up and punches Sheila straight in the face, so hard Sheila hits the ground on her ass. "That's what you get bitch." She spits at her, smirking. Now that, was fucking hot. I think, a light blush tinting my cheeks I mean, whattt no it wasn't I'm totally straight. Totally.

Suddenly a loud whistle pierces the air. "Shit, Will it's your brother." Sheila swears, getting off the ground. "The hell is this? Let her down!" The one and only Nick Goode yells, running in from the forest with Counselor Kurt. God I hate those guys. "Nick, I can explain." Will stammers out. "Will, let her down, or I swear to God I'll tell mom."

He sighs and goes to let me down, but the girl, who I still don't know the name of, beats him to it, letting me down on the ground gently, and helping me up. She smiles at me. Holy shit she's gorgeous. I'm probably fucking drooling at this point. "Alright! Get in a line." We walk over and stand shoulder to shoulder.

"Sheila. What happened." Kurt asks. I scoff and roll my eyes, of course he'd ask Sheila what happened and not me. Dickwad.

"I went back to my cabin, the door was open, and the next thing I knew, all my money was gone and Ziggy was just sprinting away." Sheila says, looking over at me. "Because you were chasing me!" I reply. "Ziggy! You talk when I tell you to talk." Kurt says to me. I roll my eyes.

"Did you see her take it?" Nick asks. "Everyone did." Replies Will. "Everyone." say the rest of Sheila's stupid friends. "I didn't see her take it." Says the girl. "Hey! What did I just say to Ziggy, Reese. You talk when I tell you!" Kurt yells. The girl, who I now know is Reese, scoffs. "I'm just saying! All I saw was-" she gets cut off by Kurt. "What did I just say! Shut it, Reese." he says. She rolls her eyes and kicks at the dirt, crossing her arms.

"Reese, why were you out here anyway?" Kurt asks. "Oh, so I can talk now?" She asks. "Just answer the goddamn question, Miller." he says with an eye roll. "I heard yelling so I came to check it out, and I saw Ziggy tied to the tree and Sheila with a lighter, so I came to help." she states matter-of-factly. "And you thought pushing her and punching her would help." he says.

"Yeah, Kurt, I did. And to be fair, Sheila punched me first." she says back. "Don't care. You pushed first. All right, that's it. Five strikes Berman. You're out! Miller, that's your third, don't go messing up your chances here." Kurt says. "She's out!? They just tried to murder her! I was trying to help!" she yells back as I stare at Kurt incredulously. "Yeah, and I'll deal with them. But first, Ziggy, go back to camp, call mommy, because your done. At Nightwing." He says with mock-sadness. I scoff. Is he serious right now!?

"I didn't do it." I say, crossing my arms. "Oh yeah? Just like you didn't set the camp flag on fire? Or let out the camp rabbits? Or GRAFFITTI THE OUTHOUSE STALLS? I warned you." Kurt says. "Woah.." Reese whispers. At least she thinks I'm cool. Oddly, Sheila comes to my defense. "Kurt, it's not her fault. Really." I look over at her, looking her up and down suspiciously. "She's possessed, by Sarah Fier." Sheila says, a smirk plastered on her face. "Oh you little-" I charged towards her, only to be grabbed and held back by Reese. "Hey, hey, hey!" Kurt shouts at me.

"Come on, she's not worth it.." Reese whispers to me, her arms wrapped around my waist. I roll my eyes but stop struggling a little bit. "Look, we kick her out, someone's gonna ask about the rope burns on her wrists. Then whose in trouble, huh? Why don't we just let this one slide, yeah?" Asks Nick. "Alright.. One more strike, and you're out for real, you hear me Berman? One more." I push out of Reese's grasp. "Being bossed around by a Goode. Wow. Some things never change." I storm off, Reese not to far behind me. "God, I hate that little bitch.." Kurt mutters.

Author's note

What's up readers? Hope you enjoyed this chapter and meeting Reese. I would write more, but it's like 3am and I'm exhausted. Sleep well y'all, and stay Hydrated.

A Camp To Remember- Ziggy Berman x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now