My Rude Husband

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Before you guys start asking me anything, I'll just say that I fucked up with my exam. And ' Taming The Brat ' I wrote God knows what, major editing and improvement is required there so, untill then, have a good read with this! I promise this will be a nice one.



"Ikr, he is like this because of me. I gave him more than required freedom. But... " Before that man could complete his sentence, the bell rang.

A handsome man, in his late 20's entered the room. The couple smiled at him and welcomed him, " Oh god Taehyung, young man. You have grown up so handsome. Look at you, a completely husband material, huh? " Taehyung blushed listening to the compliment. " It's nothing like that Mrs. Jeon. " He smiled. "In fact you are the one who has grown more beautiful than before. " He made Mrs. Jeon blushed.

"Okay okay young man, enough flirting with my wife, now tell me what brings you here? " Mr. Jeon asked offering Taehyung to sit with them. "Actually uncle, our old house, which was under bank loan, I freed it. Soon, the renovation will start and after that I will move into it. So, I came you thank you and aunty, for helping me with it. I would be grateful forever. " The Jeon couple smiled at the boy and proudly said, "it was you, who did the hard work Taehyung. And we are proud of you. Your labour and dedication, makes me see the young Soohyun in you. Your dad would be proud of you Taehyung. And according to the will, the day you get settled I'll hand over Hyun Fashion and Enterprises to you. " Mrs. Jeon was now in tears remembering her best friend crying in her arms and begging her to look after his 8 year old son, after he dies.

She immediately wiped her tears and hugged Taehyung. "You made me and your dad proud, my son. I'm so so proud of you. "

Taehyung just hugged her back, cause he knew if he utters a single word, he'll break down too.

They had a bit of chit chat and Taehyung left.

"Jagi, I have decided what to do with your brat. " Mr Jeon said looking at the direction, where a boy was bowing down at the gaurds.

"Well, do whatever you want! I'm just fed up with your son. Gosh, I'm so so so jealous of my own best friend, what did he made his girlfriend eat when she was pregnant with my TaeTae. Only if you had made me eat those too. " Mrs. Jeon spatted on Mr. Jeon.

Later that night Jungkook came back, completely tired. He was about to walk to his room when he heard, " Jeon! Here! Now! " These three words made Jungkook realize he fucked up big this time.

"Yes! " With that Jungkook sat on the chair right opposite of Mr. Jeon. "Listen here carefully! You are getting married, next Monday! " Now this moment was where Jungkook's world stopped. "What the fuck? " That was a reflex. "Jungkook! Language! " Mrs. Jeon yelled! "Sorry, it was out of reflex! But why? I'm just 26? " Jungkook replied.

"Dad, you can't do this to me! I'm your only child! You can't go against my will! " Mr. Jeon sighed! He knew this was coming! "I've be forced to go against your will, my dear son! "

"Just tell me his name, he won't see tomorrow's dawn! Believe me! " Jungkook said, ready to kill anyone! "You! " Mr. Jeon said!

"Huh? "

"You my son, you have made me take this decision! Your bratty behavior, you are all grown up, still not ready for responsibilities! At your age, I was already a father. " Mr. Jeon raised his voice.

(Just Asian things 🤷‍♀️)

"Who is he? " Jungkook asked with an expression less face, breaking the silence which lasted 10mins.

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