A Shawty Like Her (Interracial Story: BW & WM)

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"All I want for my Birrrtthhdddaayyy..."

I jammed to the music in my white car. "Birthday Song was playing by 2 Chainz feat. Kanye West. I moved my upper body to the bass of the beat. This was one of my favorite songs too. I pulled into the parking lot of Monte Claire High School.

"Ahhh... Easy easy how you doing huh?" I sang out loud. I looked in the rear view mirror to check myself out. I recently dyed my hair a brown shade last night. Turning down the radio, I checked my eyebrows, my lips for lipstick, and pinched my cheeks before hopping out of the car. I took a breath, and headed toward the crowd of teenagers. In the hallway, I spotted my best sista, L'taija, was all over her boyfriend, Travis, on the wall. I secretly gagged to myself, and made my way toward them.

They were giggling about something to each other. I tugged on L'taija's hair.

"OW!" she whipped around, "Excuse you beeyoche." her nose flared, but she turned into a smile.

"Hey, we all know that's a wig L'taija, don't try hiding it." I smirk as she fixes it.

She sucked her teeth at me, "Pluuuhze gurl, this is all naturrraaallll!"

I shook my head at her, but enveloped her in a hug. L'taija was my bestie. We have been friends since fifth grade, and we're always havin our ups-n-downs but still made it through.

"What 'bout me homie?"

I looked at Travis as he interrupted my thoughts, and saw his face all cute and scrunched up. I couldn't hide my smile, but gave him a hug too. Mmmmmmm...... He smelled really nice today. How does L'taija do it? I knew Travis in my freshman year and he was really nice and sweet. He was tall, mix-skinned, and had gorgeous green-hazel eyes.

I used to have a little crush on him till L'taija had the hots for him.

I pulled away from him and wiggled my eyebrows at her. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"Travis is all mine boo, sorry, your gonna have to find yourself one." and they kiss.

"Eww, put those toxic thangs away," L'taija kicked me in the knee while Travis laughed.

After moaning about my bruised knee, I was able to add, "I'm as independent as I can be, I don't need a man."

I have been down the path so many times. I've been there, seen that, did that (not in that way), done that, and don't wanna go down that road. L'taija has been constantly and I mean..... CONSTANTLY tryna get me with someone. She says I need to lighten up and be easy going like her. Well, I'm glad I'm not her, even if I love her to death. I peace-signed them "I'm out" and went to my first class.

My first class was Algebra II part I. I was a slow learner at the time, but I think the parts I'm in now, keep my grades steady. I walked into the class and saw a few people in there, but the class looked empty. Where the heck was everybody? I sat in the middle row looking questionable. No one noticed me. They all seem to be in their books.

Then, all these teens rushed in right before the bell rang. Some were hollering, yapping and laughing. I put a smile on my face, and thought, now there's the crowd. Mr. Schwalden, the Russian teacher, came around the desk with loud clicking shoes. He was tall, yes, but was very thin and had tiny glasses. He gazed the crowd of students in their seat, taking us all in. Wind would've broke that silence.

"Open yawd'a books to page twenty-seven, were startin' Geometric," he said. His voice roared like thunder. He didn't even need a microphone. Some of the kids groaned or moaned. He started calling roll. Then our principal, Ms. Ross, came in with a student. He had light brown-sandy hair with little blonde highlights. It was messy but it suites him well. He had a gray shirt that hugged his arm muscles. With khaki pants. He was very tan yes, and wasn't too muscular but fit. He was good-looking.

For a white boy.

"He's all yours," the principal said and left.

Wow. What a great introduction. He looked around the room silently. Girls were drooling their eyes at him. Guys were giving him death stares. I wouldn't blame them.

"Well, are you gonna give yawd'a name boy?" Mr. Schwalden boomed scaring half of us. He looked at the boy with crossed arms.

"Ummm... Hi." He said, scratching the back of his head. Some of the girls giggled like it was the funniest thing. I rolled my eyes. Mr.Schwalden sighed, "Just find a seat," he mumbled something about he should've became a lawyer and started writing on the board.

He was looking around for a seat. Girls were on the edge of their seat begging for him to sit next to them with their eyes. Then he looked at me. Wait, what? Why is he looking at me? He kept staring at me almost like he was testing me. So I sat there and stared back. Two can play at this game. He started walking toward me, our eyes still locked. He shot his eyebrows up, and I rubbed my eyebrow with one stroke of my finger, with a diva attitude. He gave me a lopsided grin and sat next to me. Girls looked jealous as fire, but I didn't care because he meant nothing to me.


I blink twice looking around. I glanced at the dude, and he was glancing right back. OOOOOOOOO he's talking to meeeee.

His eyes had green flecks in the middle, but they were a deep blue all over. It was difficult to look away, but they reminded me of tropical blue oceans.

I whispered to him, "Is that your name now?"

He gave me a smirk, and grin with dimples.

"Actually," he started, "My name is Wesley Dales."

He was looking at the board while speaking. He had a nice deep soothing male voice.

Well, for a white boy.

I leaned in a little bit towards him and whispered, "I'm Sheilah by the way." I managed to say.

"Cool," he looked at me and smiled with clean straight-white teeth. They were so bright, I tried to keep myself from shielding my eyes. Damn. This boy is something.


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