"Hey y'all" Marcelo greeted us. "What's up you two? Ben asked as we all set down, Sergy responded "Nothing much here man, anything happened with y'all?" we eyed each other before telling them. "Chris and Leo are a couple now and Ney finally got Layla to be his girlfriend." Ben told them, "What about you man?" Marcelo asked. "I'm a single pringle." "Not ready to mingle?" Chris asked before we started laughing.

The waiters came and they ordered their food, I didn't eat yet because I don't want to eat alone because everyone will just stare at me. We chatted for like ten-ish minutes then the waiters brought their food and we all ate.

After eating we all got to our respective busses. I sat with Ney on the bus's back seat. "So are you going to tell me what happened with Chris or I should ask?" I rolled my eyes to that question "It actually depends on my mood." I smirked at him. "Come on tell me already" he begged.

I gave him a detailed version of what happened as requested and by the end of it he was screaming like a fan girl. "Really all that happened in the time span of 4 days?!" I answered with yes and he commented "I need to step up my game then." "It is okay, being romantic isn't your strong fort either."

He was fuming, after that comment who wouldn't. "I can be romantic" he affirmed. "Sure" I said with a sarcastic tone, I know he can but I wanted to mess with him a little bit maybe see some veins pop, I don't know.

"I can and I will prove it to you." "Okay, okay I believe you, I was just messing with you." I tried to calm him down. "Don't pity me now, I will show you." He said confidently. "I promise it's not, I was just messing with you." I smiled a bit embarrassed.

We talked about the upcoming cup throughout the rest of the bus drive.

We got to the airport and took our luggage out of the bus; we checked our flight tickets and got in the plane to Madrid. We got on the plane and went to our seats, Ney told me that he was going to the restroom and I nodded. I heard some steps and asked "Ney what took you so- Oh hey Chris what are you doing here?" I was confused weren't we supposed to sit in grades?

"Ney told me that he wanted to sit with Ben because he had some stuff to say." What would he tell Ben that couldn't wait an hour or two flight? It doesn't really matter anyway right now since he is here. "Okay" I said smiling. I ended up taking a nap which took the whole flight, when I woke up we were getting ready to land.

I looked up and saw Chris smiling and felt his hand caress and pet my head, which felt really nice. "Nice, you woke, we are about to land soon." I sat up stretching and yawning, "Oh really?" I asked. "Yeah, you slept for a while actually."

We landed and got on another bus now heading to our school. I walked to the end of the bus and found Ney sitting next to a window and petted the spot next to him. I sat down and asked him "You and Ben talked about me didn't you?" "No, actually I just said that so he could go sit with you that was it."

I was so happy to be back to Madrid, don't get me wrong that place is beautiful but for an active person like me there isn't much you can do without getting injured in a way and I didn't want coach to be mad at me so I tried to avoid that kind of action.

We got to our dorms and I want straight to my room so I can organise everything and be done with it. I got there and threw myself at my bad "It is nice to be back." I sat up and took all the dirty laundry out and placed on the laundry basket. I placed all the clean and new clothes on my drawers and after 5 more minutes of fixing my wardrobe I was done.

After some time I felt bored and I knew Ney would be with Layla now and Ben would be with Sergy and Marcelo, I still need to find him a nickname. So the only person I could go to is Chris, maybe I can help him with his clothes.

I skipped to his dorm and knocked the door *Knock knock* "Who's there?" he asked "It's me, Leo." "Come in." I opened the door and he was just in his boxers. "You are already in your boxers?" I asked in disbelief, why does he like to stay naked? "Yes and don't act like you don't like it when I am." He smirked at me. He isn't wrong though the view is Mesmerising.

I helped him settle his clothes and we are now cuddling in complete silence, "Chris?" "Yes Leo?" "Are you somehow mad that I want to wait until I feel like you love me? Even though I know you do." "No, I respect your decision and I don't want to rush you. There are many ways I can show you that I love that don't require me to screw you" we both chuckled at the end. "I love you Chris." "I love you too Leo" he kissed my forehead and we laid there in silence until we fell asleep.





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