Chapter 7

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Marcy sits across from me with a frown on her face. My shoulders were tense and every fiber in my muscle ached. She watched me wordlessly as I tried to calm my nerves.

"How long will you continue like this?"

I leaned my weary eyes towards her, seeing a flash of worry on her features. The tension in the air was thick, making it hard to breathe.

She squeezed her knuckles before breaking the silence, "You're pining away for this girl, you don't even know her."

I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling a steady warmth spreading up my arms and chest, "I'm not pining away, she's not taking my calls and I just don't know what to do with myself at this point."

Her lips curl into a mischievous grin, "Are you blushing?" I gaped but quickly cleared my throat, "Don't be ridiculous. I'm just worried about her."

I've only known Serenity for a short while yet I find it very hard to stay away from her. It has never been like this with any other woman. I enjoy her company and most of all, she doesn't pretend when she's around me.

"We're going out for a double date later. I told Genna that you'll be available."

I stood to my feet and pummeled air out my nostrils, " can't just arrange dates without my permission."

She always does this and it annoys the hell out of me. She talks way too much and always tries to poke her nose in my private affairs. I walked off and she grabbed my arm.

"When are you going to settle down with a proper woman, when you're forty?"

I roughly pulled my arm away from her pleading hold, "I'm just 28 and that's none of your concern."

She raised her voice, "Just 28? You're almost 30! You do know that you're the heir right?"

"My father does not dictate to me how my life should be."

Her lips twist with displeasure. "You're the heir of the Giornno familia, one of the biggest mafioso in Italy, you'll need a strong woman at your side."

That's my deepest, darkest secret. My father is the head of the most dangerous mafioso in Sicily. One of the most feared, even the police don't take chances with him. I poured some scotch into a small glass and tilted it to my head, the bitter aftertaste reminding me of how complicated my life is. Marcy grabs a glass and helps herself to some.

She bites noticeably on her lower lip, "Serenity doesn't seem like your type at all," she pushes a lock of hair behind her ear, "I bet you didn't even tell her who you are -"

I slam my hand over the table making her jump in shock and confusion. I bare my teeth with rage, glaring at her and she casts her eyes away nervously.

She chuckles dryly, "She doesn't know this side of you brother, you're the son of a mob boss. If she gets involved, her life will be in danger, you of all people should know that."

I clenched my jaw.

She tosses her flowing dark hair over her shoulder before sauntering out without another word, she pops her head back in, "Father will be preparing suitors for you in the next month, just letting you know."

I punched a crack in the wall, my eyes burning not out of anger but misery, "I'm sick of this, I get to choose who I want!"

She scowls, giving me a spitting look, "You will not sully our families' reputation by taking in some trash girl -"

The expression in my eyes immediately captured the rest of her words, dark and dangerous, she gulps. "Don't ever speak about Serenity in that manner."

I warned and she grabbed her purse before leaving.

My family is powerful but also very discreet with how they go about doing things. My mother was killed by another mafioso because of my father's recklessness, which made me resent him more than any other. It's all his fault that I lost my mom.

The pain in my chest was too strong to ignore, too deep to close. I'd do anything to see Serenity again but there's no way I could let her know who I am, she'll hate me or even worse, be afraid of me.

My phone buzzed and I lazily extracted it from my pocket.

I gasp staring at the caller ID, it's her. I answered, "Serenity! Where are you?"

The line went silent for a brief moment, "I'm okay, you don't have to panic."

I heard a Male's voice in the background and a muscle in my jaw twitched, "I've been trying to contact you for so long, what happened?"

"Angie ..she kicked me out of her apartment."

That bitch.

"Where are you?"

She provided me with directions and I wrote everything down on a piece of paper. How did she end up there? That place is crawling with thugs, no one better not lay a finger on her.

"I'm okay, you don't have to be so worried - "

"Did anyone touch you?" I almost growled, making her gasp.

I took a deep controlled breath.

"Seren - "

"No." She says abruptly, "My arms and legs are still intact." She laughs lightly but that was a bit disconcerting.

"Stay where you are, don't leave or go anywhere with anyone, do you understand?"

Her voice wavered, "Yes, please hurry, I'm scared."

"You'll be safe soon, just stay put."

We ended the call. I can't believe Angie did something like that, what was I even thinking to date someone like her!? I summoned two of my most trusted men and they came right away.

Luigi takes the lit cigar from his mouth and I gave him the piece of paper, "You need something done here?"


Vangolio stoops, he clicks his titanium talons over each finger impatiently, "I'm itching to cut some flesh to shreds." He laughs hysterically.

I shake my head, "You won't be cutting any flesh today."

"I know this location, you want something done here?" Luigi finally inquired.

"I need you to find a young beautiful female, her name is Serenity Gallon."

Luigi cocks his brow in amusement, "You've never described a girl like that. I take it that she's someone special to you."

My heart raced and I swiftly evaded him by glancing at my watch, "There's no time to waste, I need her here soon." If anything should happen to her, it won't end well.

"Well then," Luigi pulls his guns from the double holster with a sly smile, "Let's get down to business."

I sighed with tired eyes, "No guns."

"Let the party begin," Vangolio said and licked his lips.

They left immediately and I turned my back against the wall. I can't stop thinking about her. My nights are restless and torturous. I need her at my side. Angie, she'll be hearing from me soon, very soon.

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