Part 1 - Nova

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               And there Rafe stood. His hands bloody, his back drenched in sweat. He stands on the pier in the middle of dumping yet another one of his fathers "mistakes". He breathes heavily, looking up to see a girl, around 15 feet away, in shock at the sight. She looks into his eyes as he starts jogging towards her.

*This girl, she cant know. I cant allow her to get away.*

               Rafe starts running towards the girl who has now turned away and started sprinting down the pier.  Occasionally, she looks back into Rafe's eyes. She was more concerned about the fugitive behind her than what was in front of her. She trips on a loose piece of wood and falls onto the pier. She looks down at her scraped knees as Rafe catches up to her. He grabs her waist and picks her up then grabbing her shoulders.

"NOBODY CAN KNOW ABOUT THIS, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? This wasn't me, i'm cleaning up someone else's mess."

"I'm willing to help you, but only because if you were to kill me, you would only be digging a bigger hole. If I help you with this "mess", I would be jumping in the hole with you. "

               She smiled as they held hands and ran down the pier to the body. The girl grabbed the feet, Rafe - the arms. The duo threw the body into the marsh and watched it slowly drift away with the tide.

"Do you think we're gonna get caught" The girl said.

"Sooner or later the gators and snakes will find it and there will be nothing more than a skeleton." Rafe said, wiping his hands off in a nearby bush. Slowly but surely, Rafes hands were met with non other than Sheriff Shoupes revolver.

"GET ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES!" He said while two other police officers surround them.

"Shoupe, may I just say this is all my fault, let her go."

Shoupe shook his head and lead them to his police car where they were put into and driven away to the Police Station. They pull up and are dragged into the station.

"Make yourselves comfy, it's gonna be a looong night." says an officer as he throws them into the cell, Rafe then the girl.

"Was that really necessary?!" the girl says as she sits up and rubs the back of her head then realizes she's laying in Rafe's lap.

"So, what's your name, pretty girl?" She smiled and shakes her head.

"Nova, Nova Lincoln." She shakes his hand and lays back down into his lap as she feels something hard in his pocket.

"Rafe, did you seriously bring a gun into the police station? We're already fugitives as it is, do you want us to get a death sentence?"

"Darling, that isn't a gun." He says with a smirk.

————————— END OF PART 1——————
A: hello guys! i hope you enjoyed part 1 ! i will be continuing this series. inspo for part 1: @alexastander on tiktok

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