...Chaos and Mocking...

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It was the next day and this time it was just Me, Tsu, Mina and Jirou.
We were just vibing in the living room since my mom was at work.

Y/N: Why I always the victim.

I said kinda sarcastically.

Mina: I don't know.
Jirou: Anyways carry this.

They kept giving me heavy things to carry. Such as bog boxes with weights in them.

Y/N: Why are you doing this?
Jirou: We just wanna see how strong you really are.
Tsu: Ribbit.

I rolled my eyes a bit and put down the boxes.

Y/N: Ima end up breaking a toe or something. Plus, going off of the activity you guys out me through...I don't trust you.
Mina: Oh come on. I said I was sorry.
Tsu: He could have burned to death.
Mina: I'm really sorry!

I signed and sat on the couch.

Y/N: It's fine. As long as none of you guys got hurt, then its ok.

Tsu sat next to me, and I put my arm around her.

Y/N: You guys wanna watch tv or something?
Jirou: Ya.
Mina: Gimme the remote.

I tossed her the remote and got comfortable in my seat.

Jirou: Hey Y/N, Tsu?
Tsu: Ya, what's up?
Y/N: Hmm?

I side eyed her.

Jirou: Why are you guys together-

I looked at her, with a kinda serious confusion look on my face.

Jirou: No, no, no no I mean like..how are you guys together. That's what I ment. I mean I'm not against the relationship..its just. You guys are so different. How'd you guys do it?

I thought about it for a second.

Mina: Now that I think about it, I'm kinda curious too.
Tsu: Opposites attract I guess.

I nodded.

Y/N: If I'm being honest, I've always knew I had a little crush on Tsu, and since we all started hanging out together, the feelings grew too.
Mina: That's so cute!
Tsu: Plus, even though we're different in ways. Love is a mysterious thing, and we can't help who we love.
Y/N: So you love me?

I playfully smiled, waiting for her response. She slightly blushed at my comment and hid her face in on my shoulder.

Mina: Ooooo snap Tsu!
Jirou: He got you there!

They teased, while slightly fangirling.. I can see them make ship fanfic in there heads already....

Y/N: Well, you guys can vibe here. Im gotta go grab something.
Jirou: Mina, we scared him off!
Mina: Tame the beast! Capture it Jirou!
Y/N: Did you just call me an it?

I laughed.

Mina: He can hear us Jirou!! What do we do?!
Jirou: Play dead!?

They laughed and I rolled my eyes a bit from the entertainment.

Y/N: Be right back.

I whispered to Tsu, I felt her nod her head. Getting up, I started walking to my room. Once I did, I grabbed a bag that was next to my desk and pulled out a stuffed animal.
Tsu walked in and I side eyed her.

Y/N: They're teasing you?
Tsu: Ya.

I chuckled.

Y/N: Oh by the way. Here.

I handed Jer the stuffed animal.

Y/N: I saw you looking at it when we went to the store yesterday.
Tsu: Its so cute.

She smiled at the little plushy, which was a frog. She then unexpectedly hugged me, which made me blush a bit. I smiled and hugged her back, putting one hand on her head.

Tsu: Thank you.

She's so adorable.

Was all I could think of.

Y/N: No problem at all.

We released each other from the hug and I put my hand on the back of my neck while she looked at the plushy.

Y/N: I know we've only been dating for a week by now, but..
Tsu: But?

I avoided her eye contact and awkwardly blushed a bit.

Y/N: But if you don't admit it..then I will.

She tilted her head a bit and put a finger to her mouth, and I looked her straight in the eyes.

Y/N: I love you Tsu..

I kinda muttered, in awkwardness.

Tsu: What?
Y/N: I know you heard me!
Tsu: I know, I just wanted you to say it again.

She smiled.

Y/N: Fine. I love you Tsu.

I said clear this time.

Mina: Kiss already!
Jirou: Dude shut up!

We both looked at the door, and saw two peeping creepers looking through a small crack of the door.

Jirou: You got us caught!
Mina: What! I needed more drama!

Jirou sighed in annoyance. Then I looked at Tsu and slightly laughed at their chaoticness.

Y/N: We should have our first kiss when they're not around so they'll get mad that they didn't get to see it.

I laughed.

Tsu: Agreed. Then we can get back at them for teasing us.
Y/N: Yez. Now we evil laugh, because of our evil schemes.

She chuckled a bit.

Tsu: No Y/N. Wrong side, were supposed to be hero's. Remember?
Y/N: I'm just saying. I would make a great Villain.

I playfully said, but made sure she knew I was joking.

Y/N: I mean what kind of hero can save people with a fire quirk.
Tsu: Endeavor.

I paused for a second.

Y/N: Are you Endeavors secret love child? Wait that would mean were brothers!

I mimicked Todoroki's voice.

Tsu: Or maybe a distant cousin. This is crazy.

She joined me.

Yet the day went on, with much chaos and mimicking Todoroki. I still felt relieved and kinda happy that the whole reason why I'm here, was because I decided to show an act of kindness to Tsu. Then got adopted by the girls. Which I still find funny. On Monday, Mina and I threw pikachu plushes at Denki, which isn't important to the story..but I felt it had to be said.

Author: Jesus Christ Y/N, you talk to much.
Y/N: But I-
Author: Nope. Don't wanna here it. Wrap it up.

Anyways. Being in the girls friendgroup is fun, only when its girls night. I don't get invited to those!
Tsu found out a lot of things about me, mostly cause my mom keeps exposing me. But its fine, if its Tsu then I'll let her get to know the real me.

The End~~

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