Jackson smiles, loving the idea 'I would love to. Can I be your company for the rest of the night, Mina-ssi?'

Mina looks at her parents, her dad nods at her,

'That would be nice, Jackson-ssi' Mina replies,

Their parents walk off to another corner of the room, leaving the two,

'You look beautiful, Mina-ssi' Jackson compliments her,

'Thank you! You look great as well.' Mina replies in a polite manner,


Mina received a text message on her phone, she smiles seeing whose it is from,

'Could you excuse me for a minute?' She says to Jackson gesturing at her phone, then proceeds to check the message,

C: Minari, are you at home? What are you doing?

She quickly types a reply,

M: I'm at Imperial Hotel, at a party I don't want to be at :(

Just two seconds later, she got another text,

C: Then run away with me?

M: You are kidding, right?

Mina texted back, but getting no reply from Chaeyoung. She keeps checking her phone, but nothing, her mind is too occupied with thoughts about the girl that she totally forgot Jackson's presence for God knows how long,

'Uhm...can I get you a drink, Mina-ssi?' Jackson asks to get Mina's attention,

'No thanks, I don't drink.' Mina answers while her attention is still on her phone,

'Ok, no drinking tonight then. Uhm...do you dance to other genres or just ballet, Mina-ssi?' Jackson is trying to make a conversation with Mina,

'We dance to all genres in dance major. I like all types, not just ballet. What are you major in, Jackson-ssi?' Mina finally turns to look at him,

'I'm major in fine arts. I love arts!' Jackson answers,

'Oh, you are in the same major as Chaeyoungie.' Mina exclaims, finding this fact interesting,

'Chaeyoungie?' Jackson can't help but wondering,


Mina immediately checks her phone,

C: I'm outside.

'You're joking!' Mina whispers to herself, her mind is telling her Chaeyoung can't be serious, but her heart tells her otherwise. Before she knows it, she's already on her feet,
'I'm sorry, Jackson-ssi, I gotta go. Please excuse me!'

Before Jackson even has time to say anything, she's already out of the door.

Walking out of the hotel lobby, standing at the front entrance, before stepping down many steps that leads to the sidewalk of the road, she sees Chaeyoung, casually leaning her back on her bike. Mina smiles, quite amazed that Chaeyoung is actually here.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung is watching every steps that Mina takes, she is in a daze because of Mina's beauty tonight, her long off shoulder red dress, hugging her body perfectly, showing off all the curves at all the right places, the red colour makes Mina's flawless milky skin stand out even more, her now long brown hair is slightly curved, falls down naturally on those bare shoulders, and a pair of beautiful red lips matching perfectly with the dress.

'Is it too early to be imagining that I'm here at the altar waiting for her to walk down the aisle just like this?!' Chaeyoung is thinking to herself while watching Mina approaching closer,

'Chaeyoungie, you're here!' Mina greets with her adorable gummy smile, wakes Chaeyoung up from her dream,

'Hey, Gorgeous! You look breathtaking tonight!' Chaeyoung says, her eyes are still scanning Mina from head to toe,

Mina cheeks heat up to the shade of red, now matching her red lips and red dress. Her heart jumps with Chaeyoung's words, she got lots of compliments tonight from different people, including Jackson, but Chaeyoung's compliment, it just hits Mina differently.

'Dear Princess Minari, may this humble servant take you to an adventure on this black metal horse of mine?' Chaeyoung asks, bows her head a little to fit the role play,

Mina giggles at the act 'Yes, you may!'

'I love this beautiful dress that you have on, Princess, but the night will get chilly, so I'm just gonna have to cover you with this' Chaeyoung says while putting a spare jacket onto Mina,

'These luxurious pair of heels won't be comfortable on my metal horse, so I'm gonna help you change to these' Chaeyoung kneels down, remove Mina's high heels and slip on Mina's feet a pair of comfortable sneakers.

Chaeyoung's action made Mina's heart beats three times as fast, she finds it so sweet, 'You've even brought spare jacket and shoes for me. How thoughtful!'

Chaeyoung flashes a charming smile at her 'Anything for you, Princess Minari!'

She continues 'And as if I haven't ruin your outfit enough, I now might have to ruin your hair as well' She says while putting the helmet on Mina's head.

Mina laughs, feeling so comfortable around Chaeyoung, that she happily let Chaeyoung ruins her beautiful outfit, without a single word of complain.

Mina got onto the back of the bike and back hugging Chaeyoung tightly,

'Let's go!' Chaeyoung eagerly says, then rides away.

Little did they know, from behind the big pole of the hotel entrance, Jackson had been watching them this whole time, with greed and jealousy in his eyes, 'So the rumour is true, you two like each other...but Mina, just wait and see, I will make you mine, no matter what.'

Chaeyoung takes Mina to the night market where all sorts of street foods are displayed on both sides of this walking street,

'I figured you're still hungry since you once told me that you don't like the foods at those parties' Chaeyoung sweetly says to Mina,

'You remember?' Mina asks the obvious and smiles shyly,

'Of course I remember. Now eat as much as you want, it's my treat.' Chaeyoung tells her,

'Alright, then I will eat Tteokbokki, fish cake soup, kimbap, japchae, corn dog, fish shaped bread and...and ice cream' Mina lists the foods in excitement,

Chaeyoung finds Mina so cute, 'Anything you want, Princess, eat them all...cause... I gotta get you well fed before kidnapping you.' Chaeyoung teases while giving the tip of Mina's nose a light tap. At this point, Chaeyoung's index finger just move on its own, finding Mina's nose tip the perfect place to tap on. It's Chaeyoung's favourite thing to do, it's her hobby now.

Mina crunches her nose to the adoring touch, 'Kidnap me whenever you want, but first let me eat. Let's go!' Mina holds Chaeyoung's hand and heads to all the food stalls.

They walk side by side, hand in hand through this crowded street, attracting a few stares from passer by, but they don't care, they are in their own little world right now. They stop here and there to eat all the things that Mina wants to eat. They have so much fun, enjoying a great night out together. Mina's cute giggles are music to Chaeyoung's ears, which make her heart dances. Chaeyoung stares at the girl in front of her, thinking,

'Should I just risk it all and confess my feelings to her? Make...making her mine...'

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