chapter 1:

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(Holy land 1191 Jerusalem)

Dead bodies litter one once the great city of Jerusalem of both men, women and children. These people have died because they have been declared heathens by the church therefore by god and should be erased by the hand of his holy knights. The dust of battle shields is kicked up by both sides making it hard to see, however that dose not block the sounds of swords clashing and cries for mercy.


A lone figure shadow is seen swiftly working his way through enemy after enemy using his rage and pure adrenaline to ignore the many arrows that have pierced his back that should have brought him down. Like so many of his brothers


He continues for what seems like ages stabbing, beheading and slicing everyone in his path until finally there is no one left.


(830 years later present day)

"Baron y/n!"

I am awaken from my slumber by my imp butler Abisai realizing that I was dreaming once again of a time long since past in my bedroom.

"Baron sir! You were trashing around in your sleep again. I was worried you hurt yourself. "

Ah the usually then. Every night for the past 9 centuries I am plagued by the sins of my past. Cursed to endure vile memories that I regret greatly.

"Abisai has the extermination passed yet?"

"Yes baron. It ended just five minutes ago princess Charlotte has given the all clear."

"Let me guess fireworks?"

" Yes. Now sir it's time to begin the day. please get dressed the chef is about to serve breakfast.

Abisai walk through the bedroom doors and leaves y/n. He gets off the bed and heads to the wardrobe in the far left corner.

"What should I wear today"

(5 minutes later)

After spending some time thinking I simply put on one of my coats and a pair of boots I haven't worn for a century... or maybe two.

I arrive in the the dining room in time to see my chef Walter putting my favorite breakfast.

I arrive in the the dining room in time to see my chef Walter putting my favorite breakfast

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I take my seat and take a sip of my coffee enjoying the bitter taste. As I am begin to eat the eggs I hear a cough next to me.

I turn to the right and see Walter and Abisai bowing next to me.

"What's this about?"

Baron y/n l/n long ago you arrived in this realm bullhead, harsh and ruthless.
However you changed and took me and Walter in when no one else would.

Hell's Knight hazbin hotel x male reader(Old Version) Where stories live. Discover now