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Adriana's pov:
When I hear talking and some loudspeakers announcing plane starts I open my eyes back up. More than just a little irritated at what's going on. The second I however see where I am, I am shocked! Utterly shocked! How did I get here? How is that even possible!? Quickly I shake my head, the how is not important. At least not for right now! Now I need to buy a ticked to fly somewhere where I could be finally safe! That's the only thing I want. And I do think that it's not to much to ask for! When I see the stewards behind the counters I hurry towards them.
„How May i help you today?" the pretty lady asks me with a wide smile plastered on her face.
„Where does the next plane go and is there still a place to come along?" I ask. Really hoping that it's a far away destination so dad wouldn't find me and that I could indeed come along still.
„The next possible plane I can offer you would be to New York, America." she answers me slightly irritated but still rather friendly. Nodding my head along with her talking. America sounds perfect! Dad never was there before so he also shouldn't have any of his friends there. At least I hope so!
„That sounds perfect!" i answer the still waiting stewardess after sighing softly. Maybe if I am going to be lucky I can start my life all over there! Live a normal life, go to school and find a job and most importantly, have no one that would beat me up every day simply because they can. After paying the surprisingly cheap ticket I quickly walk towards the gate, since I got told to hurry to not miss the plane.
With in ten minutes I was sitting in a plane that will hopefully fly me to a better place. I can't help it but feel utter relief run through me as they close the door and started to roll towards the starting ramp. When I feel as if someone is drilling holes into me, I turn towards the window in curiosity. A gasp leaves my lips at what I see out there! You might of guessed it already , there are the two men from earlier along with five other ones. All of them wearing a black or dark gray cape. Yet I can't seem to look at any of them for long since my eyes automatically go back to Marcus and Demetri as if they are drawn to them. The sadness and pain in their eyes make me swallow heavily. Maybe I should of stayed? But I was absolutely petrified! Especially at the loudness Marcus has shouted. It brought forth such bad memories for me. When I feel something wet on my cheeks, I slowly lift my hand towards it only to realize that I am crying. The tears keep on streaming down my face, as if they plan to never end. As I once more look up towards those two, I see that they also have tears in their eyes and a heart broken look on their beautiful faces. It makes me feel like a complete ass for hurting them that bad. But there is nothing I could possibly do right now. Just as I think that, the plane starts to roll down the starting ramp and only a few seconds later we are up in the air. Quickly I wipe off my tears. I should be happy instead of sad. Happy that I finally got away from my abusive dad! Happy that now I can finally start to live a normal life!

We have been in the air for a pretty long time, time I mostly slept peacefully since I know that nobody could possibly hurt me right now. I surely would of slept even longer, that is if the nice steward hadn't woken me.
„We are about to Land Miss." he had said after shaking my shoulder slightly. The look out of the window was amazing! All those lights around the city shining so brightly. It really looks stunning and I am certain I could get used to that few. But staying here wouldn't do me any good. I need to move further, after all I can't risk my father to find me again! Because if he does, he won't hesitate to kill me, of that i am sure! The landing was thankfully as smooth as the start had been which is great. While everyone was fighting to get off the plane as fast as possible, I stay in my seat. I after all have no rush. The only thing I need to do is ask another steward where I could fly next. New York would be to logical, even dad could figure out where the planes have gone to and easily find me even in such a big city. Slowly and after everyone else has left the plane already, I exit it myself. After thanking the stewards once again for their hospitality. Thankfully the counter where you can book a flight was close to the plane I just left.
„Welcome to New York young lady! How may I help you?" a perky steward asks. He seems really giddy, Guess he loves his job?
„Thank you. Can you tell me where the next plane will go too?" I say and ask, trying to sound not as tired as I certainly am, but he doesn't seem to care since his bright smile is still plastered on his face as he keeps on typing on his computer.
„There are Four different planes going within 10 minutes." he explains. I nod my head to tell him to go on, I guess it's good to have some type of choice where to go to.
„We have one going to Italy, another one going to France, the next would be Forks a very small town I might add and lastly we have Phoenix." he counts off with his smile still in place. To be fair there are only two places to choose from. Phoenix sounds nice but if Forks truly is a very small town than I guess that would be the best place to go to. After all dad loves his casinos and betting places.
„I would take Forks if that is still possible?" I softly ask, seemingly shocking perky steward immensely that someone would even want to go there.
„Are you sure miss? I can assure you that the other places would be more, I don't know, livier... Forks is really small and it's pouring rain 350 days a year at least!" he says nearly offended that I still would go there.
„That's fine. I have been living in very hot countries till now, it sounds like a nice change to me." I say and see him nod slowly.
„Of Course. Forks does have its perks I guess. I am from there too, I just never met anyone that would willingly go there." he explains and smiles even wider at me.
„I do hope you have a good flight!" he says after handing me my board card.
„Thank you." I simply reply and head towards a gate yet again. At least this plane right won't take that long again, that's a bonus I guess..

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