Mew: "I'm sure..."

He just nodded once before he bends to the side to grab the lube off the side table that we had used last night He seemed more concentrated than usual as I watch him cover his fingers in the sticky goo before squeezing some onto his member.

Than he looked up at me as he closes the bottle and sets it down by his side in the sheets. My mind was going blank as I watch his fingers glide over his member before he slowly positioned himself with my entrance and pushed in starting with the tip.

To be fair I was already a little loose from the night before but that didn't mean it still didn't hurt a tad bit as he pushes into me until there was no where left to go. We were both breathing hard as he begins to pick up speed and the sound of his skin hitting mine fills the room.

It felt good but there was something missing and I couldn't figure out what it was.

My thoughts were cut off when I feel his thumb brush over my nipple as he continues to thrust into me. I couldn't help but moan every time he hit my prostate but I could feel it in his movements too.

It's not the same...

I felt shitty for the next thing I did but I had to hold out a hand against his stomach to get him to stop as I glance at the wall closest to us because I didn't feel good at all for what I said next.

Mew: Mumbling as his body goes still instantly. "I want to stop..."

Gulf: He was pushed into me but as soon as those words left my mouth he pulls and takes a side step off the bed with a sigh. "I knew you would say that, took you long enough to realize."

Mew: I just stared at him dumb founded. "Realize what?"

Gulf: He had a cloth in his hand now as he proceeds to clean himself off before walking over to me with another freshly clean cloth. "It took you long enough to realize that the three of us together is the best option. If its just two out of the three its not the same. We all have our parts and we stick to them because were good at them. Plus I know deep down you love Tul just as much as you love me so I think the best thing for you to do now is to sit down with him and just ask him what's going on."

Mew: My face was red when I look back at him. "When you put it like that I feel even worse for what we just did."

He was right, I may have loved Gulf longer in secret but now that I've experienced everything that I have. I really do love Tul just as much...

Gulf: "but atleast now you know."

Mew: "How did you figure it out?"

Gulf: He just shrugs his shoulders as I clean myself up. "Remember how we have mentioned that we've slept together before the three of us became a thing? Well when it was just the two of us it didn't feel right, like the sex was great but there was a barrier between us that I couldn't really explain. However when the three of us started being together it felt like that wall I was feeling was slipping away until I realized that it was our personality's that helped make things better. Were all unequally different from each other and that was what makes this special. I personally love the two of you equally and I accepted that a while ago."

Mew: "You know your a lot smarter than you let on sometimes?"

Gulf: Now he was grinning as he takes my towel away from me. "I am rather smart aren't I?"

Mew: "Just a tiny bit."

Gulf: He chuckled softly as he sets the pieces of cloth down and grabs his clothes to pull them on. "I'm going to take that as a compliment you know?"

Truth or Dare ~ A One Shot Short Story ~ (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now