A lady held up her hand and when called upon she asks " How will the voting work? Who are allowed to vote and how and when will we get the results?"

"yeah" everyone mumbles and nods their heads in agreement

"Ok. Those are great questions. So everyone can vote except the contestants. The results will be mailed to you two days after the performance and will contain the position your currently in and whether or not you made it to the next round."
"Any more questions?"

"Yes. What about disqualifications? Can you get disqualified, if yes, how?" I said very loudly gaining the attention of everyone in the room

"Of course she would ask something like that. Not surprised." says a lady in the back. Turning to look in her direction I realize that it's Lady Marenett (one of the bitches I met at that event Leonard dragged me too). She was sitting beside a young girl who looked identical to her, almost like she was her twin.

"Well if it isn't the queen of sluts, Lady Marenett. Thought you learned your lesson, guess not." I said folding my legs and my arms

"That's Melissa's mom. Melissa is the popular girl with all the guys. I mean she has had sex with almost every guy in the school and she's only in middle school." informs Dwacia

"mmhm, like mother like daughter. I hate that bitch. I didn't want to do it before but now, we have to win this competition. Those bitches are going down and I'm gonna make sure they go down hard."

She agrees and we both burst out laughing. We sat through the rest of the meeting and when it was over we filled out the forms, dropped them off and speed walked out of there to the car. We then drove off to get the others so we could head over the Damon and Desmons school.

Pulling into the schools parking lot we were all shocked at how crowded it was and it was only the first practice of the year. Just imagine how ram sacked this place looks during a game.

Stepping out of the car, I grabbed the picnic basket from the back seat and followed the other parents to what I think is the football field.

After a while of following this random couple (because I didn't know where I was going and didn't want to admit it) they lead us to a large clearing surrounded by Stadium benches. 'yup, this must be the football field. Guess I follow the right coupe. Good for you kenesha'. I thought to myself smiling from ear to ear

The kids wanted to sit up front so their brothers could see them and I agreed. So we got to our seats and waited for practice to start.

15 minutes later a large muscular man (almost as big a Leonard) steps out from what I think is the locker room and begins to talk into a microphone.

" Good afternoon parents and guardians, thank you for making it to your child's first practice of the school year. I know this might seem odd to most of you, but we do this every year especially for our new players. So sit back,cheer and encourage your child or children to do their best." he then waves him hand signaling the players to come out and join him on the field

One by one in a line all the players stepped out of the locker room dressed in football get up. Parents and family members were going crazy cheering for their kids. The minute the boys stepped out, Dwacia, Deshawn and Damarian started going crazy. While I calmly sat there smiling and laughing at their antics, while clapping my hands to show the boys some support.

The boys saw us or heard us and waved our way. We waved back and training began. After some really intense warm ups and 30 laps around the field, he decided to split them up in two teams and let them play a friendly game.

I don't know what's up with these boys but all that intense warm up and not one of them seemed out of breath or tired. I thought since it was most of them first practice, they would have been extremely tired or exhausted after 30 laps around the enormous field. But none of them were, in fact they all seem to be perfectly fine, like they didn't just run 30 laps around a larger than normal football field.

Parents were going crazy over the friendly game, acting as if it was a official game. I however only expressed my excitement or disappointment from some of the plays I know, by facial expressions.

Once practice was over and the coach sent them to the lockeroom, the boys jugged over to us with large smiles on their faces.

"Hey guys! What did you think, did you enjoy it? How were our plays?" they asked

"You played great. You guys were awesome! I enjoyed every second of it!" they all screamed excitedly while hugging the twins. Turning to look at me for my opinion I said truthfully " To be honest I don't really know anything about American football, but from the videos I watched before the game, you guys played great." they didn't seem too excited by that so I added "Hey! Cheer up. You guys played great. I promise I'll learn more about football before your first official game, so I can understand what's going on much better. OK?"

Smiling they said "OK" and ran off to the lockeroom to change. After packing up our stuff and throwing away our trash we went to the parking lot to wait on the boys.

20 minutes later the boys are seen exiting the field with the coach behind them with a disappointed look on his face, while the boys had pissed off looks on their faces. 'Lord what did they do now' I thought

"What happened? Why do you both look murderous?"

"they got into a fight with some of the older boys just before leaving the lockeroom." the coach informed me

"What was the fight about?"
"I don't know they wouldnt say whenever I ask."
"Well they better answer me. What was the fight about?"

They didn't answer, just kept glaring at the ground. Clearing my throat they finally looked up at me but kept their glares.

"You better wipe that look off you faces before I knock it off. Now answer me, What. Was. The. Fight. About?"

"A couple of the older guys saw us talking to you and asked who you were, even though they already knew who you were because of dad. We said you are our mom and they started laughing and saying nasty stuff about you and calling dad a nigger lover." said Desmon

" so I started cussing them out for being racist and small minded when one of the boys punched me in the stomach. I got mad and that how the fight started."

"OK, I'll have a talk with the others parents about their disrespectful behavior about our Luna queen, while I don't want this to happen again. OK boys?"

"yes sir"
"good. Nice to finally meet you Luna queen."he says to me

"oh, my name isn't Luna queen it's never mind he's too far away to hear."

Turning to the boys and shaking my head I said "What did I tell you guys about fighting especially over something like that."

"But mom, they were disrespecting you and dad. They know they aren't suppose to do that and they knew the consequences of saying stuff like that to our faces. They deserved every bruise, blooded nose and broken bones. You can punish us all you want we don't care, we regret nothing." says Damon then he walks pass me and got into the passengers side of the car and sat their with folded arms and a death glare.

Not knowing what to say to that, I decided to leave it. Told Desmon to getting the car and got in myself. Starting the car I turned to look in the back and they all had scared looks on their faces. They were all squirming in their seats all the while glancing up at Damon every second.

We dove out the parking lot but had to pass who I assume is one of the boys from the fight, because he didn't look so good. When we were driving pass Damon locked eyes with the boy and you could literally see the boy began to shake. Not wanting the boy to pass out from fear, I stepped on the gas and speed out the parking lot.

Why does this all seem so familiar. The words they use and the body language. Please don't tell me it's what I think it is. I told myself I would get involve in this again.

Hey guys sorry for the late update. Hope you liked this chapter too.

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang