S1 Episode one~ Awakening

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Disclaimer- this book does not have an ending, and probably never will. I've lost my ability to write like I used to and I've lost all motivation. I'm so sorry. If your new, it's still nice to read I do reccomend. But it wont have and ending, neither the second book I wrote. Sorryxx

(Y/n pov)
My eyes flickered open; and almost instantly I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I sat up, wiping the blood from my trembling lips and squinting in an  attempt to make sense of the images before me. I could see trees, tall trees; swaying violently across the coast line.

The waves slowly crawled up my skinny legs, washing away the residue from my deep cuts. Then as the sun creeped out from behind the clouds, I made my first sound.

It wasn't a word, I was to tired to talk, to exhausted to move. I sort of just groaned, like a baby who hasn't had anything to eat. Then I did it again, this time louder.

Underneath me was sand, and miles of it to be exact, sea weed painted the shore, just between where the beach ended and the ocean began. It was mesmerising to watch it trail, back and forth and then some.

I crawled up the yellow dust, colours and shapes making no sense around me. Then suddenly, out on the distance of this god forsaken island, came the sillouettes of people. Real people.

"Is that, the girl/boy?" I heard one of them say, I wanted to say something back  but my brain had stopped working when my legs did. It soon became mumbling voices above me.

"Its alright, I've got you" was the last thing I listened too before passing out. It was a woman's voice, and I couldn't help but think it sounded familiar

(Scarlett Johansson pov)
I freaked out when the first thing I saw this morning was the bright blue sky, and my battered body buried in the sand.

Luckily, I wasn't alone. When I got up, and cracked my aching neck, I saw many others around me. And next to us, the wrekedge of a plane.

I tired my best to think, but I couldn't remember why I was on a plain in the first place. I should have been at home with rose, my daughter. Wait... rose!

I rushed around in a panic, my eyes leaking tears and my bottom lip trembling. She wasn't there, she wasn't there. "Rose, Colin!" I yelled at the top of my dry lungs.

Chris Evans startled me when he appeared from behind a tree. I looked down at his leg to see a huge chunk of it sliced of, blood dropping fast, like the waves. I gasped.

"Oh my god" is said whilst turning my attention to his situation. His face was as pale as snow, and his eyes were redder than the sun. "Sit down, ummm.... there, just, we need to... errr" I stumbled with my words.

Not long after Robert (whome recently appeared also) and I were wrapping his torn ligament up into the buttons of his sweater. I could barely look at him, it was like looking at a ghost. He was acting like one to.

He wouldnt respond to anything, and when he did it made no sense. I gave Robert a concerned look, my hands shaking from side to side. I still couldn't make sense of what happened.

"Do you remember anything?" Downey asked me. I shook my head, surprised that he too had suffered some sort of head Injury. "What about you Chris?" I then yelled, hoping he could here me over the wind.

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