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For the sixth time in three years, I was once again in the hospital. No so physically healthy should be admitted in to the hospital so often, in fact it's many people's goal not to be here. But I chose to be here, I had to be here, everyone else was too frustrated to see this. In the dim lit hospital room, I sat in a cushioned chair with my feet propped up on the side of the bed. My head rested on a new pillow one of the nurses gave me along with a little blanket. I sat there looking up at the ceiling. On the bed I could hear the breathing of the deep sleeper I was watching over. She had IV's hooked up to one arm dripping Oxycontin in to her system, a piece of tape kept the butterfly needle in place on her hand. Her beautiful face was bruised, her left eye swollen, her bottom lip busted, bruises scattered her arms and legs, and to top it of she lost another baby. This was all because her boyfriend beat her. No matter what we did, she would always argue with us and lie to us. No matter how many pictures we took of her bruises showed her and the police, she would always deny it and say that they were practicing or she was clumsy. The Police themselves say that even they can't lock him up if the victim won't say against him.

It wasn't like this a couple years before when they were almost a year in to their relationship. He was sweet to everyone except when it came to me, he was more cautious around me. I never liked him from the beginning and I let her know that. As usual everyone thought it was just me being me and not wanting anyone to take my family away but that was only half of it. He was too sweet, to me he was the kiss ass trying to buy his way in and make cover. He knew I didn't like him, and always tried to be friends with me or start conversations hoping I would answer him back, I usually don't answer him but when I do, answer with a sarcastic remark. The day my brother left to train in the marines is the day everything changed. When he left it was just my mother, younger brother, and my two cousins. That was the day where is was mostly us females left and he took that to an advantage or so he thought. a couple months after my brother left the beatings began, they were small but noticeable bruises and my first thought was him. I never beat around the bush when I wanted to ask her about it and she knew it.

When the bruises started to get worse, our parents tried to get her help but she refused. They loved each other and he was just mad and she got in the way, that was her defense. To me it was more like he got mad and went to find her. My friends who are also like family tried too. They said they knew some guys that could rough him up some but she would practically disappear for a week after we had someone do something and when she would come back she looked worse, it was to the point where she closed herself off from us, so we wouldn't see her bruises or anything. He never used to hit her face, but I guess this time he really didn't care about it. We, as a family decided it was best to leave my brother out of this situation. We didn't need him to stress himself out even further with a situation  he couldn't deal with from over seas. I don't remember how long ago, probably three months ago, but I do remember the day I showed up at her house unannounced.

After parking my car in the neighbors drive way, because they didn't mind, and I didn't trust my car around her boyfriend, I walked up the mini hill to the front door and saw two cars in the drive way. I knocked on the door a couple times and waited, there was noise in the background and few shouts but eventually her boyfriend came to the door. A look of surprise then a cocky smirk crossed his face as he looked me over. I snorted with disgust as I rolled my eyes and braced my hands on my hips. I came prepared for anything, so I was in sweats, a tank top, and Nike sneakers, I also had a camping knife in my pocket.

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