£ Meeting somone new £

454 9 1

Right now its 6:45 your still sleeping until
Ur alram clock goes off
Ur wake up and get ready for the day


Option 1:

Option 2:

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Option 2:

And option 3:

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

And option 3:

(If u dont like any u can just think of ur own!)

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(If u dont like any u can just think of ur own!)

*Guppy comes running in ur room*


Y/n:No need to shout gups!


Y/n:its ok guppy lets go eat

*u and guppy go downstairs*

Lavagirl:Good morning y/n and guppy

Both:morning mom

Sharkboy:Morning girls

Both:Morning dad

*U guys eat finish*

Lavagirl:Ok lets go

Y/n:Where are we going again??

Sharkboy:Herios base

Y/n:oh right *u roll ur eyes*

*u guys arrive at the base u and guppy say by to ur parents and follow ms.granda*

Ms.granda:Now u two be good ok

*u nod ur head*

*u guys go in*
*u and guppy go sit down/u sit next to wildcard and guppy sits next a capella*

Wildcard:Hi princess

Y/n:Hi and i told u to stop calling me that


*u sigh and roll ur eyes*


Y/n pov:
ms.granda comes in with a girl with brown hair brown eyes and she looks likes she about my age

End of y/n pov

Ms.granda:Students this is Missy.Missy i appreciate it if u sit down right there

*missy walks over to her seat*

Ms.granda:Students thank u so much for listening to me ur parents will be very proud

*She leaves*

*Noodles streches his neck to the valut*

Noddles:she's gone!!

*Everyone gets up and starts using there powers and throwing things aound*

*Wheels speeds him self to missy*

Wheels:Hi im wheels


Wheels:Yes they call me that accordingly to my wheelchair it may be a little off the nose but i think its cool

Missy: ok..

Wheels:U must be thinking that my legs are weak.Its so powerful that my body cant even surrport it.

*Noodles streches his neck to missy and wheels*

Noodles:So wheels who's ur new friend over here

Wheels:Missy this is noodles.he called th-

*Missy cuts him off*

Missy:Because he streches like a noodle?


*Wheels introduces missy to eveyone except y/n,guppy and wildcard*

Wheels:And this is wildcard our leader


Wheels:He has every power u can think of


Facemaker:True he has every power imaginable he just cant controll them

Wildcard:Also true.That is until now TELEPORTATION!

*Wildcard jumps alittle he's book caught on fire*

*Two water fire trucks come by snd drop the fire goes out*

Missy:How are u guys doing that

Y/n:Our mom is Lavagirl but our dad is sharkboy instead of lava we move water

Guppy:We need hydration for our powers to work

*Guppy does a scence fron jaws*


Wheels:and thats Y/n


Missy:Hi.whats ur power

Y/n:same as guppy but i have telekinesis


Wildcard:So new girl whats ur power

Missy:yeah about this whole super hero powers

Facemaker:Wait i remeber u.ur marcos marenos kid

Missy:yeah.. My dad hasent been on any missions so ive been chilling with the normal kids..

Wildcard:Why would they put a girl with super powers with the normal kids..ohh i get u dont have and powers

*u gasp*

Y/n:Ur Powerless???!?!

Missy:yeah whatever can we just watch the news i wanna see if theres any about out parents

Ok thats it for this chapter

Nothing much to say lol



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