Clopwyck River Part 9

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Chapter Nine

It's a good job I've not exactly been chatty with Daria and Andrew since I arrived, as they haven't picked up on the fact that since Leo shared Clopwyck's worse kept secret with me, I've found myself speechless. I've been processing everything that he told me, and keep drawing the same conclusion; it's crazy.

            I can't argue with what I've seen though. I know my history of seeing things doesn't exactly put me in a good position to trust my own eyes, but what I saw is beyond anything that my own mind could trick me into witnessing.

            Thank God it's Friday, and I've made it through my first week of school in once piece. I've been avoiding Leo, but I think he knows it and he's been giving me the space I need to digest what he told me in the woods. Ruby on the other hand is impossible to hide from, but to be honest it's nice to have someone to talk to about anything apart from witchcraft and all-consuming power.

            "Morning, Demi." Andrew is leaning against the kitchen counter and drinking his morning coffee. I guess we're bonding in our own way as we've had the same exchange every morning for the last week. I'm glad he's here. If it were just me and Daria I wouldn't be able to check my vocal chords until I get to school. She is sitting at the table completely immersed in a newspaper. I think about what Leo told me and realise that I know so little about my sister, I'm not even sure where she was born.

            "Morning." I sit down, dismissing the briefest consideration I've ever given Daria, deciding I don't really care. I pour myself some corn flakes and watch Elliot massaging his own cereal into his hair. I smile at him, which is his cue to dunk his head into his bowl. I laugh and Andrew tries to stifle his amusement as he stops Elliot from this toddler form of a good hair wash.

            "What's on the agenda for today then?"

            "Don't know really."

            "You meeting Ruby again this morning?"


Like I have a choice. She's been waiting for me at the bottom of the drive every morning. It's like walking an enthusiastic puppy to school. She chatters the whole way and I just respond when she stops for breath. I'm growing to like her though, and not just because there's no chance of her setting me on fire or turning me into a frog.

            "Have you got anything planned for the weekend?" Andrew never gives up, even when I'm being my most monosyllabic self.

            "Not really."

No. Nothing at all. What am I supposed to do in this small town? I have no idea what the crazy inhabitants do for fun. For all I know they'll be flying around on broomsticks, whacking balls at each other.

            "Maybe you could do something with Ruby. You're welcome to invite her here." Daria glares at Andrew. "We want you to feel at home here. Its fine if you want to have friends over."

            I look at Daria who is doing her best to not make me feel at home. I mumble my thanks, clear away my bowl and shuffle into the hallway to get myself ready to meet Ruby. As I'm about to leave, Daria shouts from the kitchen.

            "Make sure you wear a coat. It's going to rain later."

            I look at my coat hanging on the bannister. It would be so easy to run back and get it, but instead I open the front door, stride out and let it slam behind me.

"Hiya!" Ruby is smiling as I emerge from the front door. I don't know why she would be so eager to get to school. I can't imagine how she's been treated here but she doesn't seem to let it bother her. I feel a pang of guilt as I remember how I used to treat people at my old school. In my old life.

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