Chaeyoung furrowed her brows. Her paternal grandmother is here? At a time like this?

"Is she alone?" She asked.

"No, Mr. Park is with her, and another young man is accompanying them."

Chaeyoung did not answer the maid as she pressed her lips firmly. Her father is here to create another scene.

Of all times, he is here now that Lisa's parents are in the Wang Estate.

It would be impossible to say that they are aware of the Manoban's presence since her grandfather made sure to keep it a secret.

Their timing is just too great.

She already did all she can to avoid them. How could these people be so shameless?

Why is it that Jacob still has the guts to show his face to her?

Is he not afraid that Chaeyoung will do something to the whole Park Family instead?

Or is Jacob trying to self-destruct and include her in the process?

It was clearly Jacob who is at fault here. His greed is the reason why Chaeyoung chose to stay away from him.

If he is not greedy and chose to at least be civil with Chaeyoung then she would forgive him.

However, aside from the fact that he clearly favors Yuri over her, Jacob did not do anything to fix his relationship with his eldest daughter.

Chaeyoung let out a sigh. These people will clearly not let her live a peaceful life.

While Chaeyoung is still contemplating on what to do, Laura is already fuming from anger.

She is aware of Chaeyoung's childhood. After all, she was the one who first helped her daughter gather all the information about Chaeyoung after the Manoban Family discovered of her existence.

This man is not a father at all. He is nothing but a sperm donor!

It seems like this Jacob Park is truly like a pest that keeps on coming back to annoy her daughter even more.

Laura clenched her teeth as she thought about her beautiful suggestion that was interrupted by the arrival of Chaeyoung's father.

In her rage, she already started to think of ways to torture this damnable man. She will do it herself the moment Chaeyoung will ask for the Manoban Family's help.

"Tell them to wait for a while. Tell them I am busy doing something important." She heard Chaeyoung said.  "And don't disturb grandfather about this matter. I will handle this on my own."

Laura smiled inwardly, as expected, her future daughter in law is not just some pushover.

She would love to watch her torture this Jacob Park. She is hoping for a good show later.

"Chaeyoungie you should not waste your time talking to people that you don't like." She advised. After all, she could not just tell Chaeyoung that she is well aware of her history.

That might scare her future daughter in law. She might think that she and Lisa are weird stalkers.

"I agree. I would just like to see how long can they wait before throwing a tantrum."  She answered before sipping her tea. She already made up her mind.

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