𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐩-𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫

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    Minerva McGonagall was many things, including a top-notch eavesdropper.

    Let's just say on numerous occasions the older woman had overheard small conversations from their friends trying to set the two up for some blooming romance she assumed that had been taking place.
    The cherry on top was the other night in the library when Minnie had listened to Ella's friends tease her about an almost steamy make-out session in the boy's dorm, a conversation that she should have given detentions out for, but instead kept the I formation to herself.

    "Why would she- oh you think prongs and her are snogging" Sirius barked making Peter's jaw drop, McGonagall, cringed at the word snogging a threatening look on her face as Sirius shut himself up.
    "Ella, you're not the one going on a date with him right?" Remus asked innocently, making Ella laugh as well.
    "Oh Godric no, especially not with Potter, that's disgusting," she said wiping the tears that were welling up in her eyes from laughing so hard.
    "I'm sorry I must have misinterpreted a conversation I heard," she said giving a knowing look to Eleanor whose jaw dropped, Remus' brows furrowed as she pushed his face away from staring at her mortified expression.

    "Y'know when you first started here I really thought Mr. Potter was smitten over you, he picked on you so much I just assumed he had a crush on you. It was either him or Mr. Lupin, you two always had good chemistry" Minnies said ushering between the two making Sirius and Peter laugh hysterically.
    "Potter and I would murder each other, he has bad hair and is terribly annoying. On the other hand, I would gladly date Remus, look at his cute face" Ella said reaching over a squeezing the boy's cheeks before planting a wet kiss on his cheek.
    A bright red blush rose from the tip of his nose all the way to his ears, "I mean look at him, he's perfect boyfriend material, and rather dashing" she finished making the boy swat away her hand and chuckle in embarrassment.

    "Well, I would say we are done here," Minnie said stiffing in her chair as she ushered the group to leave the classroom.

    Remus waited for Ella to finish packing up before leavening, "you're such a flirt, y'know that?" Remus asked as they entered the corridor together.
    "Only for you darling," she said sending him a wink and making him chuckle.


    Ella and Alice were currently being yanked across the entirety of Hogwarts by the one and only Marlene McKinnon.
    She had both of their wrists in a tight grasp, her rings digging into their skin, basically cutting off their circulation, dragging them to her shared dorm with Lily and other Gryffindor girls in their year.

    "So what do we owe you this pleasure McKinnon?" Ella said breathing heavily at the literal running she had done to keep up with the blonde's stride, Marlene shut the door behind her ushering for them to take a seat anywhere they liked.
    "I have a big issue, absolutely massive, and you guys are some of Dorcas' closest friends" Marlene started as Lily walked into the room her eyebrows furrowed as her eyesight landed on the two girls sitting on her bed.

    "What's going on here?" Lily asked looking over at Marlene who rolled her eyes, "you look like you're holding them hostage."
    "I need their help to plan my first-anniversary date with Dorcas," she said, lily nodding her head as she stared at the two sitting on her bed, Alice absent-mindedly kicking her feet like a child.
    "When is your date?" Alice asked as Marlene's lips formed a straight line.
    "Tomorrow" she muttered making the three other girls stare at her wide-eyed, "Okay, I know I procrastinated but I do need help, I'm begging, I promise I'll make it up to you" she pleaded.
    Eleanor grinned as she started up at the fiery blonde, "anything we want?" she said making Marlene nod with pleading eyes. Alice looked over to Ella and they both shrugged and agreed to assist the unprepared girl.

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