Post 29!!

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Uravity posted!!

He's the best friend a girl could as for thanks for being my bestest friend @Deku_no

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He's the best friend a girl could as for thanks for being my bestest friend @Deku_no.1 !!!

3.2 M likes

34.8 K comments

Deku_no.1: of course Ura-san! You're my bestest friend too!

Pinky: @Deku_no.1 is the best!

Froppy: he really is @Pinky

Pikaboi: wait.... HE KNOWS HOW TO DO HAIR?!

Momfriend: @Pikaboi who do you think does my ponytail in the morning when im too tired??

Deku_no.1: @Pikaboi yeah I know how to cut hair and color hair! I color @Rockhard and @Dabi hair all the time :)

Dabi: @Pikaboi he does such a good job 😍🤚

Rockhard: @Pikaboi he does amazing!

Shoto: Should I color my hair?

Deku_no.1: @Shoto NO! Please don't I really like your hair...

Shoto: @Deku_no.1 okay... I won't

Lordexplotion: maybe I could cut mine... Maybe an undercut?

Deku_no.1: @Lordexplotion YES!! ILL DO IT!

Pikaboi: well midobabe got excited

Uravity: @Pikaboi well duh he loves cutting hair

Earphonejack: I love this boy so much!

Iseeyou: @Deku_no.1 does makeup too~

Octoboi: @Iseeyou wait fr... I wanna see that....

Tailking: @Octoboi same dude

Iseeyou:  here you go boys~

Iseeyou:  here you go boys~

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Shoto: P-pretty...

Softboi: it looks so nice @Deku_no.1 !!

Emobird: you look decadent mido

Deku_no.1: I try to make them makeup enhance my features not cover them

Uravity: Izu is the king of eyeliner

Pinky: Period ^

Lordexplotion: You're right there Round face.. He does my eyeliner all the time for my hero costume

Rockhard: Mine too @Lordexplotion

Deku_no.1: I love doing makeup!

Handy_man: could you make me look not crusty?? @Deku_no.1

Deku_no.1: @Handy_man but... You don't look crusty... Like at all.

Handy_man: @Deku_no.1 you need glasses then.

Deku_no.1: @Handy_man are you... Are you trying to get me angry Tomu-kun? I really hope those aren't your intentions

Shoto: @Handy_man walk away NOW he's going to attack!!

Handy_man: @Deku_no.1 maybe I am. What ya gonna do about it?

Lordexplotion: @Handy_man bro...

Uravity: @Handy_man he's on his waaay~~

Dabi: why is Izuku banging on the door?? Oh wait...

Deku_no.1: @Dabi OPEN THE DOOR!

Dabi: @Deku_no.1 ummm...

Deku_no.1: @Dabi NOW

Dabi: @Deku_no.1 Yes sir!!

Handy_man: I'm dead..

Uravity: Yup

Pinky: Mhm

Froppy: You tried him @Handy_man

Shoto: I love that boy~

Everyone: WE KNOW!

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