Chapter 0

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3rd Pov

???: Sir! Are you certain this plan will work? This man, no! Thing is the most wanted person for assassinations that reached the casualties of more than a hundred! In fact! Those are only the recorded ones!

???: It will work, he owes me so. Even then, he cannot deny this opportunity for he is but a man in his thirties. That and the large target on his back for all his kills.

???: So you're suggesting we keep him under our so called "protection" to not just to keep him under extreme surveillance and to keep those who want his head at a minimal?

The man chuckled.

???: Correct, after all. Who in their right minds would invade the largest combined fleet of every faction in the world?

The circle of men started to mumble with each other, all of them begrudgingly accepting the logic behind the plan.

???: Plus, as you said. We can keep an eye on him. This, after all, is his first time being caught. Keeping the most dangerous man under heavy surveillance of every faction is already overkill. I've heard that he broke into a specific Maximum Prison Facility just to kill a contract and escape.

More murmurs erupted, making the man smirk smugly at their discussion.

???: Very well, you've made your point. We will immediately send him to Point Azur after we send a letter for the Faction Heads to be made aware of his arrival. Although, I do have one question.

???: And that is?

The balding man scratched his head.

???: For a man in his thirties, he looks like he could pass for fifty.

The man only shook his head with a smile.

???: Marie Antoinette Syndrome. And he keeps up appearances.

The balding man seemed to accept his answer and put down the file. Each men then filed out of the room and slowly but surely, the man who suggested the plan is the only one left.

???: So, definitely better than prison hm?

He spoke to seemingly no one till a wall slid to the side and a man with white hair and a moustache, wearing a monocle stepped outside.

???: And for the love of God lose the fucking monocle, it sure suits you but come on.

The man himself chuckled.

???: Well, I do have to keep up appearances. Sir, Thorn. Especially since I would like to leave my past behind and make a new life for myself. Even if I am technically a prisoner.

???: You're lucky I owe you, but now we're even. Still though, I wish you luck on keeping the girls relatively tame.

He smiled.

???: All in due time we shall see.

Time Skip one month passed.

On a breezy Monday morning, a bright yellow taxi can be seen speeding through a forest road. It's destination? Probably the most dangerous place one could enter, however, the passenger knows of the looming threat the place could bring without someone to keep an eye on it.

The man himself could pass for a senior citizen with how well groomed his hair and moustache that heavily compliments his somewhat elderly face. Although his real age is thirty. People on the streets would normally assume he is of noble descent with how he carries himself. An air of prestige and nobility, and a posture that would make models envious.

The taxi rode over a part of the ocean, to which a draw bridge is built over said part of the ocean, to reach their destination. The taxi had to stop for security as men in heavily armored bodysuits and assault rifles checked the vehicle for anything suspicious. Being given a green light, they were allowed to pass the security and arrive at their destination.

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