Chapter 7 ✔

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**Jordan's POV**

When we got back to the sandlot, everybody was up and thinking about what to do.

"Why don't we just go ask Mr. Mertil if he'll get it for us?" Smalls suggested.

"Are you crazy?" Squints said. "Mr. Mertil is the meanest old man that ever lived."

"He is? How would you know?" I questioned.

"Not gonna happen Smalls" Squints said, ignoring me. I rolled my eyes and stood up from where I was sitting, then stepped outside the treehouse door. I leaned against the railing and Yeah Yeah walked up beside me.

"You okay?" He asked. Yeah Yeah was my best friend and I told him everything. But, I'm not too sure if I should tell him about what just happened with Phillips. Or that I'm starting to like Benny.

"Of course" I lied, but he could see through my lies. There was no point in trying to hide it from him.

"I know you. Tell me." He demanded.

"Okay." I started. "But we have to go where no one can hear us." I continued, grabbing his hand, leading him away from the rest of the guys. When we were in the outfield of the sandlot, I spilled.

"Okay. Now, tell me." Yeah Yeah said.

"Okay. So, I was walking down the street with Benny and we ran into Phillips" I started, "and Phillips, um, well, Phillips... kinda, kissed? me."

"What?" Yeah Yeah asked, disbelief tracing his tone.

"Yeah. Bu,t it's okay..." I reassured.

"How?" He asked.

"Um, well, I kinda sorta, kissed back." I admitted.

"You what?'' Yeah Yeah asked once again.

"Yeah. And Benny stopped us and I think I like Benny..." I said a little too fast.

"Okay. Um, let's just go back and help the guys." Yeah Yeah told me, clearly not wanting to talk about this.

"Alright," I said.


Hey guys! I haven't updated in awhile but I was at my grandparents house and I don't get WiFi there so I couldn't update. Okay, just wanted to let you know... :-)

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